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sociology crime and deviance
sociology crime and deviance
By: Millie Sackett
crime and the media, functionalist, strain and subcultural theories, labelling theory ...7Decks193Flashcards1Learner -
Education- Soc A-level
Education- Soc A-level
By: K P
Functionalists, Marxists, New Right and Neoliberalists3Decks16Flashcards2Learners -
Sociology - Social Inequality
Sociology - Social Inequality
By: Tom Greenhouse
Overview of Inequality faced in society, Class Inequality: Functionalist explanations of Class Inequality, Class Inequality: New Right explanations of Class Inequality ...26Decks896Flashcards1Learner -
sociology education
sociology education
By: Amalie Atkins
functionalist views on education, new right views on education, marxist views on education ...11Decks274Flashcards5Learners -
H SC - Continuity and Change
H SC - Continuity and Change
By: dnmsd kdnsd
The Nature of Social and Cultural Research Methods, The nature of social and cultural continuity and change, theories of social change as attempts to explain change, and resistance to change, within societies and cultures in relation to: ...13Decks274Flashcards85Learners -
Sociology - Beliefs
Sociology - Beliefs
By: Matthew Wharldall
Functionalist Theories of Religion, Marxist Theories of Religion, Feminist Theories of Religion ...13Decks295Flashcards6Learners -
By: Niamh Harrington
Partnerships, Families and Social Policy, Domestic labour and gender roles ...15Decks302Flashcards2Learners -
Sociology paper 1
Sociology paper 1
By: Cornelius Yussuf
Gender roles and Relationships, research methods, Education theory/marxist,functionalist,feminist ...5Decks74Flashcards4Learners -
Sociology Inequalitites
Sociology Inequalitites
By: Rita Sefaah Poku
Functionalist - Class Inequalites (Talcott Parsons), Functionalist - Class Inequalities (Davis And Moore), New Rights : Class Inequalities ...12Decks249Flashcards1Learner -
By: Tonia Maize
Theories Of The Family✍🏽, Social Action Theory, Values ...22Decks320Flashcards5Learners -
education sociology
education sociology
By: rima bhandari
feminist perspective on education, reasons for the underachievement of boys, the functionalist perspective on education-Durkheim ...20Decks277Flashcards2Learners -
Crime and Deviance - SCLY4
Crime and Deviance - SCLY4
By: Alfie Brown
The nature of crime, deviance and social control, Functionalist and subcultural theories of Crime, Interactionist and labelling theories of Crime ...10Decks317Flashcards43Learners -
By: Evanjalina Pokhrel
Marxist view of EDUCATION, Functionalist view of EDUCATION, Labelling and Self-fulfilling prophecy3Decks29Flashcards1Learner -
flash cards
flash cards
By: Verity Chapman
functionalist view on education1Decks16Flashcards1Learner -
sociology starter kit
sociology starter kit
By: Amalie Atkins
functionalism key terms, summer work definitions, marxism key terms ...7Decks90Flashcards3Learners -
Sociology Theory + Methods IGCSE
Sociology Theory + Methods IGCSE
By: Charlie Noodles
Functionalist Perspective, Conflict Perspective, Structuralist ...6Decks74Flashcards8Learners -
By: Alice Thackaberry
Functionalist perspective on education, The Marxist perspective on education, Topic 3 - Theories of the family ...18Decks318Flashcards1Learner -
sociology MW
sociology MW
By: izzy nix
sociology theories and meths, research methods, experiments ...12Decks216Flashcards2Learners -
Intro to Sociology
Intro to Sociology
By: Emmy Jones
Chapter One (Definition, Invitation, Terms, and Imagination), Chapter One (Theory), Chapter One (Functionalist Perspective) ...11Decks262Flashcards13Learners -
Beliefs in society
Beliefs in society
By: Niamh Harrington
Typologies, Social Composition - gender, ethnicity and age linked to religious belief and practice, Definitions of religion ...14Decks396Flashcards4Learners -
sociology paper 3
sociology paper 3
By: Marley M
Crime - functionalist theories of crime, Crime - interactionist theories of crime, Crime - Marxist theories of crime ...21Decks464Flashcards3Learners -
A-Level Sociology - Family
A-Level Sociology - Family
By: Delphi Hatton-Crowther
1.1 - Functionalist Theory, 1.2 - Feminist Theories, 1.3 - Marxist theories ...12Decks286Flashcards17Learners -
By: Grace Bewley
Induction Booklet, Social Class Identities, Gender And Sexual Identities ...17Decks701Flashcards2Learners -
crime sociologists
crime sociologists
By: Amy Chadd
ethnicty sociologists, gender sociologists, Media and Crime ...13Decks193Flashcards1Learner -
By: Charlie Harding
Research Methods, Different types of families, Functions of the Education System (Functionalist) ...33Decks176Flashcards2Learners -
By: Amanda Sullivan
Families and households definitions, Families and households, Eduaction definitions ...10Decks168Flashcards17Learners -
Sociology- Education, Topic 1
Sociology- Education, Topic 1
By: Eli Adams
Key Terms, Functionalist Perspective (Consensus), New Right Perspective (Consensus) ...6Decks76Flashcards1Learner -
Sociology - Crime & Deviance
Sociology - Crime & Deviance
By: Aaliyah Rochester
Functionalist view of crime, Interactionism & Labelling Theory, Class, Power & Crime ...4Decks58Flashcards1Learner -
sociology Education
sociology Education
By: Alice Wing-Davies
functionalist theories of education, marxist theories of education, feminist theory of education ...10Decks330Flashcards1Learner -
By: Evie Shakespeare Lynch
Functionalist Theory of Education, Education Theorists, Education - Terms ...4Decks33Flashcards1Learner