Learn Gastric Fluid
Study Gastric Fluid using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: aimen n
Control of Food Intake, Intro to Functions of Alimentary Tract, Control of Alimentary Tract ...18Decks1,064Flashcards6Learners -
Physiology 1 : GI
Physiology 1 : GI
By: Deleted Deleted
Control of food intake, Functions and control of the alimentary tract, Transport along the GI tract ...15Decks930Flashcards2Learners -
Physiology 2130
Physiology 2130
By: Delayne van Dijk
Homeostasis and Body Fluid Conpartments, Interaction of the Cell With its Environment, Osmosis, Tonicity, and the RMP ...44Decks1,262Flashcards20Learners -
By: Emily Caruso
Muscle, Body Fluids, Cardiac ...16Decks670Flashcards2Learners -
Y1S3 Medicine
Y1S3 Medicine
By: Sian Hunt
GUT- Oesophagus and its Disorders, GUT- Gastric Acid Secretion: Regulation, GUT- Gastric Acid Secretion: Disorders ...14Decks259Flashcards2Learners -
Primary SOE/ VIVA
Primary SOE/ VIVA
By: Karthika Velusamy
Physics Definitions, CVS Definitions, Physical Principals (Cross/ Plunkett) ...13Decks283Flashcards1Learner -
321 - Physiology
321 - Physiology
By: Aimee Supinski
Lecture 1 - Neurophysiology, Lecture 2 - Somatosensation, Lecture 3 - Pain ...52Decks2,982Flashcards1Learner -
GI GU Repro
GI GU Repro
By: Julia Moulton
Intro to GI Physiology, Histology of GI Tract, GI Motility ...58Decks2,036Flashcards2Learners -
GIR Test 2
GIR Test 2
By: Lauren Sinik
B5.024 Big Case: Jaundice/Abnormal LFTs/Dark Urine, B5.025 Prework 1 Patterns of Hepatic Injury, B5.025 Liver Disorders I ...20Decks874Flashcards2Learners -
Physiology 1
Physiology 1
By: hayden pinto
1) Introduction to the Cardiovascular System, 2) Control of Cardiac Output, 3) Cardiac Cycle ...64Decks2,028Flashcards8Learners -
GIS Lectures
GIS Lectures
By: Simon Onions
Parietal Cells and Peptic Ulcers, Proteases, Gastric Motility/Emptying, Hepatic Metabolism of Lipids ...15Decks212Flashcards1Learner -
By: Alex Kinsky
Gut, metabolism and hormones
Gut, metabolism and hormones
By: Molly Hogan
Intro to Endocrine system 1, Anterior and posterior pituitary 2, Growth and thyroid hormone 3 ...22Decks1,361Flashcards5Learners -
By: Chris Gillman-Wells
Anatomy of the GIT, Form and function of the GIT, Peptidergic regulation of the GIT ...10Decks311Flashcards3Learners -
Physiology Exam 5
Physiology Exam 5
By: Andrea Okas
Comprehensive Material, 57 - GI Introduction, 58 - GI Mouth and Esophagus ...10Decks401Flashcards1Learner -
Principles of Physiology & Pharmacology
Principles of Physiology & Pharmacology
By: Danny Johnson
Homeostasis & Physiological Control, Body Fluids & Blood, Pressure & Flow ...17Decks391Flashcards4Learners -
Alim 1
Alim 1
By: Alex Beatty
Intro to control of GI tract, gut microbiology, oesophagus and its disorders ...11Decks391Flashcards2Learners -
CVM 711- Physiology
CVM 711- Physiology
By: Gianna Palmieri
Lecture 1: Body Fluid Compartments and Transport across cell membranes, Lecture 2: Osmosis, Tonicity, and Pressures, Lecture 45: Structure & Innervation of GI Tract ...19Decks324Flashcards2Learners -
MSS - GI Exam 2
MSS - GI Exam 2
By: Matt Stanton
Swallowing, Gastric Emptying, Intestinal Motility, Gallbladder Function and Bile Production, Liver Metabolism: Urea Cycle ...11Decks498Flashcards2Learners -
By: Amanda Beach
gall bladder and bile, Swallowing, gastric emptying and intestinal motility, Ketchum- Liver and gallbladder ...12Decks791Flashcards2Learners -
By: Jeremy Fagan
Pulm/Renal - Physiology - Pulmonary Ventilation; Diffusion; Blood Flow; Metabolism; V-Q Relationships, Pulm/Renal - Physiology - Pulmonary Gas Transport; Acid-Base Balance; Breathing Mechanics & Control; Respiratory Stress, Pulm/Renal - Physiology - Body Fluids; Renal Hemodynamics, GFR, & Clearance; the Nephron ...12Decks1,609Flashcards1Learner -
SOE Physiology
SOE Physiology
By: Sean Hartigan
1. Red Blood Cells and Haemoglobin, 2. Oxygen–Haemoglobin Dissociation Curve, 3. Hypoxia ...49Decks522Flashcards9Learners -
GI Lectures
GI Lectures
By: Hannah Brooks
Gastric Physiology 1: Parietal cells and peptic ulcers, Gastric Physiology 2: Proteases, Gastric motility and emptying, Development of the foregut ...14Decks465Flashcards1Learner -
2nd Year Med
2nd Year Med
By: Brendan Lewis
Anatomy - Abdomen/Oesophagus/Stomach, Upper GI Inflammation, Upper GI Physiology/Gut Motility ...18Decks380Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 7
Unit 7
By: Mary Slome
MCP - Maimone - 2/9 - Intro to Carbohydrates, MCP - Cross - 2/9 - Glycolysis and Glycogen, MCP - Cross - 2/10 - Citric Acid Cycle ...28Decks520Flashcards26Learners -
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
NRSG 200: Med Surg 3
By: Kevin Avelino
[Exam 1] Chapter 15: Management of Patients With Oncologic Disorders, [Exam 1] Chapter 32 - Assessment of HEmatologic Function and Treatment Modalities, [Exam 1] Chapter 34 - Management of Patients with Hematologic Neoplasms ...46Decks5,429Flashcards85Learners -
Digestive physiology and pathology
Digestive physiology and pathology
By: Luke de Ruiter
Oesophageal Physiology and function, Gastric Digestion and Stomach disease, Liver Pathology ...13Decks173Flashcards5Learners -
By: Joe Bloggs
GI clinical, Respiratory clinical, Fluid Balances ...10Decks104Flashcards2Learners -
By: Jessica Hanaumi
Hematopoetic Disorders, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), Fluid Therapy ...13Decks172Flashcards4Learners -
Digestive MBChB 2
Digestive MBChB 2
By: Calum Macindoe
Lecture One; GI function overview, Lecture 2; Anterior abdominal wall and peritoneum, Lecture 3; Gastric digestion and diseases of the stomach. ...31Decks792Flashcards8Learners