Tags: Classics, Greek History, Humanities & Social Studies

Ancient Greece Flashcards

Are you interested in studying Ancient Greece? Learn in no time! Study & practice using our flashcards anytime & anywhere.
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About Greek History on Brainscape

What is Greek History?

Greece is a land synonymous with mythology, philosophy, and architecture. Its winding path through history provided a variety of archaeological treasures, as well as wondrous constructions of classical antiquity. However, what can Greek History do for us?

Greek History encompasses the study of the lives of ancient Greeks – their territory, vast achievements, contributions, and unique perspective to humanity. To them, we can learn that man can be both simultaneously capable of worst crimes and life-changing achievements; that each person is both great and important; mortal and fallible.

Perhaps, the two great ideas we can take away from the study of Ancient Greece is the concept of Democracy and Philosophy.

Developed under Solon, Cleisthenes, Ephialtes, and Pericles, Greece became a cradle of democracy. From history, we learned that democracy isn’t just a system to run a state, but a spirit of community, oneness, equality, and comradeship.

Also, Greece was the home of famous philosophers – Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle who united to search for what they call Eudaimonia or happiness and fulfillment. Their philosophy somehow educated people in finding the way through the different life dilemmas.

These are some of the reasons why we study Greek History, but the overall task is to learn many lessons in life and put them to work in the present world.

Majority of students who study Greek History become historians, educators, biographers, historical site guides, state librarians, conservation manager, museum curators/educators, tour managers, artifact restorers, and researchers.

Learning Greek History

To make it through the study of Greek History, you’ll probably need to memorize an extensive catalog of names, places, and essential events in a lot of detail. Also, many experts recommend the use of study tools such as online videos about Ancient Greece, and study platform like Brainscape to optimize the learning process.

In Brainscape, you’ll find thousands of classes, decks, and study cards for Greek History – beginning with the Brainscape Certified Class below on Mythology – tackling ancient Greek and Norse gods, their unique powers, and complicated family trees.

You can also find cards created by students, experts, professors, and users all over the world. From tyrants to Spartans and all things Macedonian, we have it all covered!

To top it all, one of the great benefits that Brainscape offers is that you can make your own set of flashcards and study them on your phone.

Learn Faster in Brainscape

Brainscape offers the unique application of a study algorithm that utilizes good cognitive science called Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR). The CBR algorithm makes use of the three learning processes: Active Recall, Metacognition, and Spaced Repetition. These learning principles aids in enhancing connections between neurons and memory trace.

So, What are you waiting for? Start studying with Brainscape today!