Tags: Health & Fitness, Motor Learning, Sports & Kinesiology
Motor Learning Flashcards
Expand your knowledge of Motor Learning with our study guide. Use our adaptive flashcards to learn fast.
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By: Annette Liem
Unit 1 - Introduction to Neuroscience, Unit 1 - Early Development of Nervous System, Unit 1 - Axonal Growth, Synaptogenesis, and Tropism ...39Decks1,456Flashcards11Learners -
Motor Control
Motor Control
By: Mauriana Wilcox
Chapter 4: Physiological Basis Of Motor Learnin, Chapter 1: Issues and Theories, Chapter 2: Motor Learning And Recovery Of Function ...5Decks179Flashcards11Learners -
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
By: Poppy Aves
Prenatal Development, Piaget, Vygotsky ...15Decks574Flashcards20Learners -
DPT 7124
DPT 7124
By: Makena Mueller
Primitive Reflexes, Motor Control and Motor Learning, Postural Reactions ...7Decks155Flashcards2Learners -
23PSY-2AL-A2 JWW Psych
23PSY-2AL-A2 JWW Psych
By: Jess Aspin
Research Methods: Ethics - KR, The Approaches: Origins of Psychology, Research Methods: Pilot Studies ...39Decks1,450Flashcards26Learners -
Cram List for NPTE
Cram List for NPTE
By: Devin McDonnell
Meds, MM innervation + SCI, PNF techniques ...22Decks702Flashcards6Learners -
By: Emily B
Unit 1, Unit 3, Cranial Nerves (Unit 4) ...36Decks797Flashcards2Learners -
Year 2 NSB
Year 2 NSB
By: David Houghton
Neural Tissue, Physiology of Neurons, Chemistry and Physiology of the Synapse ...53Decks2,894Flashcards24Learners -
BB 2
BB 2
By: Alice Scholfield
Schizophrenia, Symptoms of the mind, Traumatic Brain Injury ...28Decks1,158Flashcards7Learners -
Motor Dev - hpe 460
Motor Dev - hpe 460
By: Kory Hill
vocab, Introduction to Motor Behavior, learning, performance and transfer ...4Decks57Flashcards28Learners -
Pe Studies Year 12
Pe Studies Year 12
By: Jessica Walsh
Functional Anatomy, Sports physiology, biomechanics ...7Decks228Flashcards15Learners -
Movesci Exam 3
Movesci Exam 3
By: Kamini Playle
Movement Coordination, Basal Ganglia, Motor Areas Of Cerebellum ...4Decks76Flashcards2Learners -
Neuroscience - Quizzes 1 - 3
Neuroscience - Quizzes 1 - 3
By: Steph Morton
1: Topographic Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord, 1: Brainstem Sections, 1: Brainstem nuclei & function ...30Decks964Flashcards60Learners -
By: Marie Hoang
Typical Paediatric Motor Development & Reflexes, Developmental Milestones, Paediatric Conditions ...22Decks632Flashcards1Learner -
By: Kyle Zbornik
Motor Control, Motor Learning, Theoretical Approaches ...15Decks294Flashcards1Learner -
Neuroscience (Yeo)
Neuroscience (Yeo)
By: Aboud Abbas
Motor Control 1 - Spinal Reflexes, Supra-spinal Control 1 - Cortical Motor Control, Supra-spinal Control 2 - Cerebellum & Basal Ganglia ...8Decks805Flashcards2Learners -
By: Alyson Self
Motor Learning Behavioral Basis, CVA Intervention Part 3, Gait Kinematics ...7Decks151Flashcards9Learners -
23PSY-2AL-F2 JWW Psych
23PSY-2AL-F2 JWW Psych
By: Jess Aspin
Research Methods: Ethics - KR, The Approaches: Origins of Psychology, Research Methods: Pilot Studies ...40Decks1,466Flashcards24Learners -
Neuro Rehab Test 1
Neuro Rehab Test 1
By: Robert Kerby
Week 1 High Yield, Motor Learning Theory and Neuroplasticity, SCI Impairments ...8Decks239Flashcards2Learners -
Behavioral Neuroscience
Behavioral Neuroscience
By: Reilly Krueger
Types of Cells, Parts of the Nervous System, How do Neurons Communicate ...19Decks1,011Flashcards4Learners -
P BIO 375
P BIO 375
By: Precious Purple Puppy
Water & the Membrane Barrier, Membrane Transport, Membrane Potential ...28Decks703Flashcards1Learner -
Year 13 F Block
Year 13 F Block
By: Thomas Robinson
Skill Acquisition: Skill, ability and application to practical activity, Skill Acquisition: Transfer of Learning, Skill Acquisition: Memory Processes & Motor Programmes ...42Decks709Flashcards17Learners -
By: Mariandrea Cerpa Tyler
Motor development (Quiz 1) info, Limb Deficiencies And Amputations, Final Study Guide ...19Decks772Flashcards5Learners -
Neural Basis of Movement
Neural Basis of Movement
By: Morgan Yard
L1 - Intro to Sensory Motor Systems and Methods, L2 - Neural Coding in Somatosensory Systems, L3 - Oculomotor Systems ...10Decks372Flashcards3Learners -
Intro to Physical Education
Intro to Physical Education
By: Sam Ridderhof
Principles of physical fitness, History of Physical Education, Motor Learning ...12Decks399Flashcards2Learners -
Year 12 Pe
Year 12 Pe
By: Skye Cordon
Exercise physiology, Biomechanics, Sports Psychology ...4Decks205Flashcards2Learners -
Y3: PN3313
Y3: PN3313
By: Morgan Hart
Neurotrophic Factors, Neuronal Death, Neurodegeneration ...23Decks461Flashcards4Learners -
By: Hillary Hosier
Opioids and NSAIDs, Anesthesia - Total, Non-opioid Analgesics from Small Group ...38Decks828Flashcards8Learners -
By: Becca Brunson
Ability Definitions, Measurement of Motor Learning and Performance AEP, Week 3 Lecture ...12Decks892Flashcards10Learners -
Neuro (NSB)
Neuro (NSB)
By: Brooke Appelbaum
Lower Motor Neuron Unit/Neuromuscular Disease, General Proprioception/UMN, Spinal Cord Localization ...19Decks464Flashcards3Learners
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