Learn Intro To Pharmacology
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SNUG203 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurses
SNUG203 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nurses
By: Jenny Jeffrey
Introduction to Pharmacology, Module 1 - Respiratory System, Module 2 - Cardiovascular System3Decks224Flashcards44Learners -
Immunology / Micro
Immunology / Micro
By: Matthew Miller
Intro to Immune System / Antibody Structure, Innate Immunity and Complement, Antibody Structure 2 & Response ...56Decks2,491Flashcards354Learners -
By: Aaska Banthiya
Week 1- Introduction to Pharmacology of the Nervous System, Week 8- Control of Lung Function, Week 8- Control of Heart Function ...52Decks2,412Flashcards20Learners -
Medicine Term One
Medicine Term One
By: Sarah Anderson
Tissues, Autonomic Nervous System (plus pharmacology of ANS and NMJ), Muscles ...59Decks1,916Flashcards15Learners -
Pharm Exam 1
Pharm Exam 1
By: Andrew Kumar
Podgorski - Dose Response Curves, Podgorski - ADME, Kocarek - Drug Metabolism ...23Decks960Flashcards6Learners -
PP - Pharmacology
PP - Pharmacology
By: s d
Indications And Side Effects, Introduction to pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics ...10Decks186Flashcards111Learners -
APM- pharmacology
APM- pharmacology
By: Rabia Dosani
Introduction to pharmacology, Pharmacology and the dental patient, Pharmacology of local anaesthetics3Decks257Flashcards13Learners -
OV3017 Eye Disease and Therapeutics
OV3017 Eye Disease and Therapeutics
By: aleena khan
Introduction to pharmacology Part 1, Introduction to pharmacology Part 2, Drugs and the Eye Part 1 & 2 ...10Decks353Flashcards14Learners -
SGUL - Physiology 1
SGUL - Physiology 1
By: Karan Kamalanathan
Introduction to the Cardiovascular System, Cardiac Cycle, Control of Cardiac Output ...68Decks3,407Flashcards15Learners -
[MT 6314] - 1st Shifting
[MT 6314] - 1st Shifting
By: Khris Manalo
[1] History of Drugs, [2] Chapter 1 Introduction, [3] OLD Chapter 2 Pharmacodynamics ...23Decks1,491Flashcards8Learners -
General Principles
General Principles
By: Samantha Betts
Introduction to Cells, Introduction to Cells, Introduction to Genetics ...7Decks646Flashcards2Learners -
MD1140 Pharmacology
MD1140 Pharmacology
By: Gavin Dawe
Introduction to Medical Pharmacology, Adrenergics and Antiadrenergics, Cholinergics and Anticholinergics ...12Decks404Flashcards250Learners -
Cardiovascular and Haematology (PHAR1017 ) year 1
Cardiovascular and Haematology (PHAR1017 ) year 1
By: Kawsar Moradi
Introduction to cardiovascular and haematology, the cardiovascular system part one, Protein synthesis ...14Decks705Flashcards1Learner -
Block 3
Block 3
By: frankiespeck@hotmail.co.uk Speck
Introduction To CNS Anatomy, Health Beliefs, Cells & Communication In The Nervous System ...40Decks1,882Flashcards4Learners -
Pharmacology Test #3
Pharmacology Test #3
By: Julie Peceny
Introduction to Autonomic Pharmacology, Pharmacology of Neuromuscular and Ganglionic Blockers, Muscarinic Agonists ...13Decks822Flashcards11Learners -
FunMed Week 7
FunMed Week 7
By: patrick ellis
Introduction to Body Cavities, Introduction to Pharmacology, Drug - Receptor Interactions ...6Decks194Flashcards1Learner -
By: Thobile N.N
Introduction to Pathology, 1-Environmental pathology, 2- Enviromental pathology ...14Decks348Flashcards26Learners -
Pharma 2
Pharma 2
By: Tyler Winn
Lecture 1: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary A&P, Lecture 2: General Principles of Pharmacology, Lecture 3: Cardiac Pathology & Pharmacology ...23Decks1,971Flashcards2Learners -
MDCN 350: Course 1
MDCN 350: Course 1
By: Bronwyn Delacruz
Gastric Secretion, Peptic Ulcer Disease, and H. Pylori, PPIs and NSAIDs Continued, Approach to Upper GI Bleeding ...48Decks1,220Flashcards4Learners -
PM2C: Therapeutics and Patient Care: Autumn
PM2C: Therapeutics and Patient Care: Autumn
By: Wing Vong
Molecular Mechanisms Of Protein-Coupled Receptors, Introduction to Pharmacology and Toxicology: Lecture 1, Molecular Mechanisms Of Enzyme Coupled Receptors ...24Decks508Flashcards14Learners -
[MT 6314] Pharmacology & Toxicology
[MT 6314] Pharmacology & Toxicology
Introduction to Pharmacology & Its General Principles, Drug Receptors - Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics ...20Decks1,857Flashcards18Learners -
HMS Homeostasis I
HMS Homeostasis I
By: Stephen Babcock
Thorax Overview, Functional Lung and Thorax Anatomy, Lung Radiology and Histology ...62Decks2,695Flashcards14Learners -
Pharmacology LU IV
Pharmacology LU IV
By: Jc Reyes
Introduction to Toxicology and General Principles of Drug Interaction, Adverse Drug Reaction, Pharmacogenetics ...12Decks330Flashcards45Learners -
U6 Physiology
U6 Physiology
By: Ryan Schiedo
Introduction to GI, Salivary/ Gastric Function, Pancreatic/ Biliary Function - IN ...13Decks363Flashcards9Learners -
► Med - Pharmacology
► Med - Pharmacology
By: B -
Principles of Pharmacology, Pharmokinetics I, Pharmokinetics II ...74Decks2,963Flashcards75Learners -
By: Victor Redmon
Neurorad Anatomy, NeuroRad cases, Trauma ...26Decks823Flashcards126Learners -
Module 8
Module 8
By: Kayla Stauffer
Intro to the CNS, Brain Anatomy, Embryology of CNS ...43Decks1,629Flashcards4Learners -
Pharmacology 100
Pharmacology 100
By: Rebecca Simms
Introduction to Pharmacology, Drug Misuse and Addiction, Central Nervous System Depressants and Opioids ...6Decks181Flashcards55Learners -
Physiology 1
Physiology 1
By: jayden thakker
Introduction to the cardiovascular system, Cardiac Cycle, ECG ...72Decks1,664Flashcards4Learners -
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan I (NURS-351)
Pathophysiology/Pharmacology Across the Lifespan I (NURS-351)
By: Naomi King
Introduction to Pathophisiology, Cellular Response and Disease, Introduction To Pharmacology ...13Decks386Flashcards29Learners