Learn Introduction Of Tooth Anatomy
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oral cavity - BDS 1
oral cavity - BDS 1
By: Cassie Lee
basic tooth and periodontium :), anatomy of head and neck 1 :), anatomy of head and neck 2 :) ...66Decks2,287Flashcards21Learners -
Oral Biology
Oral Biology
By: James Hulme
Introduction to Tooth Morphology, The Anatomy & Physiology of the Periodontium, Introduction to Prions ...33Decks1,009Flashcards12Learners -
DH 111 Dental and Orofacial Anatomy
DH 111 Dental and Orofacial Anatomy
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Introduction to Head & Neck Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Skeletal System ...15Decks405Flashcards18Learners -
By: Caelin McDermott
Organic and inorganic components of saliva, pH and buffers, Saliva ...13Decks378Flashcards4Learners -
Stage 1 Dentistry Newcastle - Introduction to dentistry
Stage 1 Dentistry Newcastle - Introduction to dentistry
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YR 3 - CSB
YR 3 - CSB
By: Simran Sandhu
ENDO - Periapical Pathology, ENDO Revision, ENDO Outcomes and Managing Failure ...38Decks962Flashcards13Learners -
Block 2 - MSK
Block 2 - MSK
By: Pauline Vitte
Lecture 1 - Orthopedic Trauma, Lecture 2 - Upper Limb Injuries, Lecture 3 - Bone And Tooth Structure ...38Decks977Flashcards3Learners -
By: Ayanna Williams
Introduction to Endodontics, Basic Root Canal Procedure Steps, Access Openings and Anatomy ...6Decks150Flashcards5Learners -
JVD 2019-2021
JVD 2019-2021
By: Jessica Mack Wilson
JVD 2019 #1 A Salivation Abnormality with Trigeminal Nerve Dysfunction in Dogs Kent, JVD 2019 #1 Promotion of Dental Pulp Wound Healing in New Zealand White Rabbits’ Teeth by Thai Propolis Product -Nattriya Likitpongpipat, JVD 2019 # 1 Clinicopathological Features, Risk Factors and Predispositions, and Response to Treatment of Eosinophilic Oral Disease in 24 Dogs (2000-2016) Danielle Mendelsohn ...44Decks305Flashcards21Learners