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English Literature
English Literature
By: Maryam Rahman
Hamlet Quotes, Hamlet Context, Faustus Quotes ...11Decks1,130Flashcards4Learners -
By: Phoebe Phoebe
Duffy Critic Quotations, Larkin Critic Quotations, Donne Critic Quotes3Decks70Flashcards1Learner -
A-level English Literature
A-level English Literature
By: Ted Scott
Realist/naturalist drama, Duffy & Larkin AO5, Memory - F.L, W.O, M.T, A.T3Decks35Flashcards4Learners -
English IB
English IB
By: shaikhibrahimnoor@gmail.com Shaikh
Literary Techniques - Paper 1, Nobody Comes - Hardy, The Voice - Hardy ...11Decks77Flashcards1Learner -
English Literature
English Literature
By: Gurneet Jheeta
The Duchess of Malfi Quotes, The Duchess of Malfi AO5, The Duchess of Malfi AO3 ...10Decks289Flashcards1Learner -
English- Poems
English- Poems
By: Tilly Hardman
Captain Of Form Team- D, Dockery And Son- L, Prayer- D ...18Decks238Flashcards1Learner -
Acute and Chronic Exam 2
Acute and Chronic Exam 2
By: alma andanie
DONE Respiratory Assessment, Upper Respiratory Disorders, and Acute (Influenza): 7 questions- Dr. Larkin, DONE Lower Respiratory Disorders and Acute (Pneumonia): 8 questions- Dr. Larkin, DONE Hematological Assessment, Disorders, and Blood Transfusion: 9 questions- Dr. Larkin ...6Decks63Flashcards1Learner -
By: Rani Agarwal
The Duchess of Malfi, Larkin & Duffy, A Streetcar Named Desire3Decks46Flashcards2Learners -
English Literature- Luffy
English Literature- Luffy
By: Grace Newby
Luffy- Critics/Context, Luffy- Themes/ quotes, Larkin Context ...4Decks56Flashcards1Learner -
english critics
english critics
By: Gabriella Brinkworth
CRITICS MALFI, CRITICS TEMPEST, critics streetcar ...5Decks42Flashcards1Learner -
Pharm final
Pharm final
By: alma andanie
Old content (10 mueller), Old content (10 Larkin), Week 16: Skin, Eyes, and Ears (6 questions) ...11Decks160Flashcards1Learner -
English- critics and context
English- critics and context
By: Mia Smart
Paradise Lost, Enron, Doctor Faustus ...7Decks118Flashcards3Learners -
English Literature
English Literature
By: Julia Gryzio
The Whitsun Weddings by Phillip Larkin, Mean Time by Carol Ann Duffy, A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams ...4Decks40Flashcards1Learner -
English: P1 Poetry
English: P1 Poetry
By: Joely Preston
John Donne: Poem Summaries, John Donne: A05 Critics, Philip Larkin: A05 Critics ...4Decks62Flashcards1Learner -
Englieh Literarure Poems
Englieh Literarure Poems
By: Daniella Okoli
John Donne, Larkin AO5, Duffy Ao5 ...4Decks47Flashcards5Learners -
english literature a level
english literature a level
By: Emma Younes
hamlet essay plans, faustus essay plans, dorian + dracula essay plans ...5Decks206Flashcards2Learners -
English poems quotes
English poems quotes
By: Neve Keating
Valentine - Carol Ann Duffy, Sonnet 43 - Elizabeth Barret Browning, Death of a Naturalist - Seamus Heaney ...18Decks254Flashcards2Learners -
English Literature Revision
English Literature Revision
By: Lewis Fry
The Tragedy of Macbeth (quotations), 'The Manhunt,' by Simon Armitage (a modern poem), 'London,' by William Blake (a Romantic Era poem) ...11Decks149Flashcards29Learners -
GSCE English: Poetry Anthology
GSCE English: Poetry Anthology
By: Maya Elias
The Manhunt - Simon Armitage, Sonnet 43 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning, London - William Blake ...22Decks341Flashcards2Learners -
By: Alicia Jutley
The Manhunt - Simon Armitage, Sonnet 43 - Elizabeth Barret Browning, London - William Blake ...18Decks313Flashcards3Learners -
English Lit
English Lit
By: aileen he
Chaucer- quotes, Chaucer- context and terms, Chaucer- critics ...11Decks132Flashcards1Learner -
Poetry Anthology
Poetry Anthology
By: Gaurav Mishra
The Manhunt - Simon Armitage, Sonnet 43 - Elizabeth Barret Browning, London - William Blake ...18Decks188Flashcards7Learners -
By: fatimah latif
Hamlet Critics, 1:1 Hamlet Quotes, 1:2 Hamlet Quotes ...34Decks831Flashcards2Learners -
English Anthology poetry
English Anthology poetry
By: Bishrant Makhim
Manhunt key quotes, London key quotes, The Soldier by Rupert Brooke ...13Decks142Flashcards11Learners -
Anthology Poetry
Anthology Poetry
By: Asveni Kalatharan
Dulce Et Decorum Est, Wilfred Owen, The Manhunt, Simon Armitage, Valentine, Carol Ann Duffy ...17Decks219Flashcards1Learner -
A-Level English
A-Level English
By: Leah Drewett
Larkin - Time, Milton - Critics, Milton - Quotes ...8Decks75Flashcards3Learners -
By: Gemma Lapper
Larkin & Duffy Poem Pairs, Poem Synopsis - Larkin, John Donne Poem Synopsis3Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
English poetry anthology Eduqas/WJEC
English poetry anthology Eduqas/WJEC
By: Niamh Ohara
The Manhunt - Simon Armitage, Sonnet 43 - Elizabeth Barret Browning, London - William Blake ...18Decks143Flashcards11Learners -
English Lit
English Lit
By: Mary Powell
Streetcar quotes, Terminology Toolkit, Malfi quotes ...7Decks70Flashcards2Learners -
English Literature
English Literature
By: Jasmine Parry
Ozymandias- Percy Bysshe Shelley, Excerpt from The Prelude- William Wordsworth, To Autumn- John Keats ...8Decks136Flashcards1Learner