Learn Mastication
Study Mastication using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Zoe Douglas
The mouth, Pancreatic carcinoma, Jaundice ...59Decks1,850Flashcards28Learners -
VETS1003: Digestion
VETS1003: Digestion
By: Tiffany Carter
Intro, Oral Cavity & Teeth, Prehension, Mastication, Ensalivation ...19Decks1,033Flashcards1Learner -
Occlusion Lecture
Occlusion Lecture
By: Pickle Rick
Intro to Occlusion, Articulator/Muscles of Face, Intro to Fixed Pros and Full Coverage Preps ...17Decks586Flashcards5Learners -
BDS3 Head & Neck Anatomy
BDS3 Head & Neck Anatomy
By: Kirstin Thom
Osteology of Skull, Hyoid & Cervical Spine, Posterior Triangle, Anterior Triangle ...25Decks1,107Flashcards6Learners -
By: Youssef Mohamed
muscles, fascia, Skin ...8Decks85Flashcards1Learner -
Regional Anatomy
Regional Anatomy
By: Olivia Walsh
The Skull, Mandible, Maxilla ...15Decks282Flashcards2Learners -
By: zk m
Osteology of the Head and Neck, Neck Triangles, The Scalp, Brain and Cranial Nerves ...13Decks633Flashcards1Learner -
Head and Neck
Head and Neck
By: laura Capelle
Skull Part 1, Superficial Structures, orbit superficial features and EOMs, Root of the Neck and Anterior Triangle of the Neck ...10Decks863Flashcards15Learners -
Anatomy Y1
Anatomy Y1
By: Freya Balcombe
Head and neck, Back, MSK overview ...27Decks677Flashcards5Learners -
7 - MOIA (Facial Expression, Mastication, Neck muscles), 7 - MOIA (Thorax, Abdominal Wall, Scapula), 7 - MOIA (Arm Muscles and Leg Momvements) ...4Decks45Flashcards1Learner -
OMC IV, Module I
OMC IV, Module I
By: J L
1. Mastication, 2. Saliva, 3. Taste ...6Decks268Flashcards5Learners -
DH 111 Dental and Orofacial Anatomy
DH 111 Dental and Orofacial Anatomy
By: Terin Christensen
Introduction to Head & Neck Anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Skeletal System ...15Decks405Flashcards18Learners -
Oral Biology
Oral Biology
By: Charlotte Smith
Dental Tissues, Periodontal Tissues, Dental Nomenclature ...23Decks689Flashcards9Learners -
Block 5 week 1 Dani
Block 5 week 1 Dani
By: Danielle Hayes
Introduction, Sievert-Head and Neck Development and Superficial Face Anatomy, Prelab sauerland skull, superficial face, and scalp ...10Decks827Flashcards8Learners -
Block 3 Anatomy
Block 3 Anatomy
By: Omodolapo Ogunfuye
Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 ...32Decks545Flashcards3Learners -
By: Joseph Lyman
GI 1A - Gastrointestinal System, GI 1B- Anatomy of GI wall and Regulation, GI 1C- Salivation ...16Decks443Flashcards18Learners -
Spot Test
Spot Test
By: Tom Kay
Brain Blood Supply, Muscles of the Shoulder Joint, Muscles of the Back and Thorax (Movement, SPOT TEST 1&2) ...16Decks492Flashcards76Learners -
MBBS 2: GIT Physiology
MBBS 2: GIT Physiology
By: Tawana Marimo
Introduction to GIT Function, Mastication, Gastric Secretions ...5Decks227Flashcards4Learners -
Muscles O,I&A's
Muscles O,I&A's
By: Ally Richards
Muscles that move the thigh, Muscles that move the foot, Muscles that move the leg ...27Decks714Flashcards4Learners -
Dental School Prep
Dental School Prep
By: Dylan Banks
Bone Histology, Spleen Histology, Liver Histology ...21Decks320Flashcards2Learners -
Clinical Anatomy: DPT 701
Clinical Anatomy: DPT 701
By: Braden Talbert
Cranium, Nervous System and Gross Brain, Cranial Nerves ...7Decks420Flashcards5Learners -
By: andy Nelson
Extrinsic Back Muscles, Intrinsic(scapulohumoral) & Posterior Arm, Nerves ...30Decks604Flashcards18Learners -
D1 Spring - Physiology Exam 6
D1 Spring - Physiology Exam 6
By: Anita Maxwynn
4/22: Overview, Saliva, Mastication, and Swallowing, 4/25: Overview, Saliva, Mastication and Swallowing II, 4/25: Gastric Function ...6Decks422Flashcards2Learners -
Oral Anatomy Muscles
Oral Anatomy Muscles
By: Samantha smith
Muscles of Mastication, Facial Muscles, Muscles by themselves ...7Decks257Flashcards5Learners -
Anatomy 2
Anatomy 2
By: Peter Duncan
Osteology of the Skull, Scalp, Diploe and Meninges, Nervous System ...24Decks908Flashcards7Learners -
By: Saima Akram
NS 2 - Action potentials, NS 3 graded potential and synapse, NS 4 - intro to the CNS ...23Decks510Flashcards2Learners -
ENT Advanced
ENT Advanced
By: Brian McCalister
The Skull, The Orbit And The Eyeball, Eye Movement ...24Decks852Flashcards6Learners -
Revision A - Head, Face & Neck Anatomy
Revision A - Head, Face & Neck Anatomy
By: Jannah stone
Skull & Facial Bones, TMJ Anatomy, TMJ Biomechanics ...9Decks95Flashcards25Learners -
Gross Ant
Gross Ant
By: Kay t
Abdominal, Cardiovascular, thoracic wall ...18Decks644Flashcards7Learners -
DS2102 Anatomy
DS2102 Anatomy
By: Bridget Boston
W1: Cranial Nerves, W1: Distribution of Trigeminal Nerve, W1: Face/Scalp & facial expression muscles ...17Decks504Flashcards4Learners