Learn Mindfulness Therapy
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Phase 2 5. People and Illness
Phase 2 5. People and Illness
By: K Y
ADHD, PBL 1, Mental State Exam ...21Decks515Flashcards7Learners -
Psychology in Everyday life 3rd edition
Psychology in Everyday life 3rd edition
By: Desiray Gardner
Chapter 1- Psychology's roots, Big Ideas, and Critical thinking tool, Chapter 2- The Biology of Mind and Consciousness, Chapter 3- Developing Through the life span ...14Decks474Flashcards267Learners -
psych quiz 2
psych quiz 2
By: courtney nagle
Week 4: Behaviour Therapy, Week 5: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Week 6: ACT and Mindfulness ...5Decks76Flashcards1Learner -
General Psychology 3rd Ed Aced
General Psychology 3rd Ed Aced
By: Victor Ibasco
Chapter 1- Psychology's roots, Big Ideas, and Critical Thinking Tool, Chapter 2- The Biology of Mind and Consciousness, Chapter 3- Developing Through the Life Span ...15Decks692Flashcards33Learners -
By: Chiara Fey
Kennisclip 1: Introductie emoties, Hoorcollege 1: Evolutionaire benadering, Kennisclip 2: Emotieregulatie ...19Decks416Flashcards1Learner -
By: Gabriel ford
Neurons, Pleasure And Addiction, Brain And Emotion ...28Decks467Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology: Schizophrenia (AQA)
Psychology: Schizophrenia (AQA)
By: Caitlin Lunk
Schizophrenia Disrupts the Mind's Ability to Function, Clinical Characteristics: Perceptual Symptoms, Clinical Characteristics: Social Symptoms ...26Decks255Flashcards23Learners -
Psychology 101
Psychology 101
By: Echo Quinton
Chapter 2 - The Biology Of The Mind., Chapter 12: Stress & Illness (Unit-3), Chapter 13: Social Psychology (unit 3) ...9Decks376Flashcards42Learners -
By: Emma Davison
Chapter 1: Thinking Critically with Psychology Studies, Chapter 2: The Biology of Mind, Chapter 3: Consciousness ...14Decks703Flashcards15Learners -
By: San Felipe Michael Josh
1, Alternative medicines: Complementary practices, Cam notes part 2 ...7Decks355Flashcards2Learners -
Intro to Psychology
Intro to Psychology
By: sydney torres
History of Modern Psychology, Disciplines of Psychology, The Scientific Method in Psychology ...22Decks326Flashcards3Learners -
By: Rebecca Fulcher
1 Intro, 2 Exposure, Cl Conditioning and Exposure ...15Decks311Flashcards11Learners -
By: Nikki Pelders
HC 1 Introductie en evolutie, HC 2 Emotieregulatie, HC 3 Mindfulness ...8Decks627Flashcards2Learners -
Psychology Introduction 7,5
Psychology Introduction 7,5
By: Emilia Ericsson
Kap 1; The Story of Psychology, Kap 2; Thinking Critically with Psychological Science, Kap 12; Emotion ...13Decks197Flashcards1Learner -
component one
component one
By: freya barlow
loftus and palmer, raine, assumption ...8Decks153Flashcards1Learner -
Psych 101
Psych 101
By: Julie Garabet
Prologue - Vocabulary, Thinking Critically With Psychological Science - Vocabulary, Biology of the Mind - Vocabulary ...14Decks365Flashcards1Learner -
HS 3025
HS 3025
By: Stephanie Kanellakis
1: Consumer Health & CAM, 5: Conventional Medical and Health Care, 6: CAM, Integrative Medicine & Early Pioneers ...12Decks421Flashcards2Learners -
child psychology
child psychology
By: Hannah S
attachment, deprivation, Ainsworth ...11Decks173Flashcards1Learner -
By: Hana bashir
I Contain Multitudes, AHHHHH, Ecology Basics ...12Decks335Flashcards1Learner -
By: Nikhil Sinha
Ch 16: Social Psychology, Prologue, Ch 1: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science ...17Decks399Flashcards3Learners -
By: Selina Janmohamed
WEEK 1: C1 Consumer Health & CAM, WEEK 2 Scientific Method / Advertising Health Products (C2/3), CHAPTER 3: Advertising Health Products ...18Decks470Flashcards1Learner -
Mood Disorders
Mood Disorders
By: Oliver Blake
1) Symptoms and Diagnosis, 2) Neuro-Biology of Depression, 3) Psychosocial Factors in Depression ...13Decks207Flashcards15Learners -
Integrative Health
Integrative Health
By: Kristina Maragos
Chapter 1: Consumer Health, Conventional Medicine, and Complementary and Integrative Health, Chapter 2: Scientific Method, Chapter 3: Advertising Health Products ...15Decks571Flashcards3Learners -
Psychology (Year 1)
Psychology (Year 1)
By: lara hallam
Research Methods, Biological Assumptions, Psychosurgery (Biological) ...16Decks287Flashcards1Learner -
People and Illness
People and Illness
By: Lauren Horsburgh
Pharmacology, ADHD, Adolescent Development ...18Decks602Flashcards1Learner -
Therapie Cognitive Comportementale
Therapie Cognitive Comportementale
By: Sarah Guilly
Introduction, Vague Comportementale, Vague Cognitive ...6Decks97Flashcards3Learners -
AP Psych Textbook Notes
AP Psych Textbook Notes
By: Ana p
Prologue- The Story of Psychology, Ch.1- Thinking Critically with Psychological Science, ch.2- The Biology of the mind ...17Decks349Flashcards7Learners -
Emoties: wetenschappelijke en klinische aspecten
Emoties: wetenschappelijke en klinische aspecten
By: Bo van Ingen
Kennisclip 1: introductie emoties, Kennisclip 2: emotieregulatie, Kennisclip 3: cognitieve processen ...14Decks394Flashcards1Learner -
Intervention 2
Intervention 2
By: Marta Aldeguer
4. Research in psychotherapy, 4. Steps for a Systematic Review, 6. Gestalt therapy ...22Decks212Flashcards1Learner -
HSCI 1140 - CAM
HSCI 1140 - CAM
By: marilee welch
Chapter 1 - Introduction, Chapter 2 - Nature of Evidence, Chapter 3 - Types of Studies ...22Decks599Flashcards8Learners