Learn Muscles Of The Arm
Study Muscles Of The Arm using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Miles Sanderson
1.1.1 Upper and Lower Limb Bones, 1.2.1 Shoulder and Axilla, 1.2.2 Axilla Brachial Plexus ...53Decks2,036Flashcards315Learners -
BIOL 205
BIOL 205
By: Claire Groff
Terminology and Orientation - Lesson 1, Articulations of the Lower Limb - Lesson 3, Muscles of the Anterior Hip Region ...26Decks526Flashcards7Learners -
By: Clara Eugenia Vélez Klumpp
muscles of thigh + butt, muscles of the leg, muscles of the foot ...23Decks624Flashcards1Learner -
T1 & T2 Anatomy
T1 & T2 Anatomy
By: L I
General Med Term Prefixes, General Med Term Suffixes, Short Hip Rotators/Quads/Hamstring ...28Decks1,156Flashcards79Learners -
MRCS Anatomy - Upper Limb
MRCS Anatomy - Upper Limb
By: Mona Theodoraki
Shoulder Joint, Carpal Tunnel & Flexor Retinaculum, Axilla ...33Decks706Flashcards148Learners -
By: Chloe Crofts
Joint Injuries, Anatomical snuffbox, Carpel tunnel ...45Decks812Flashcards29Learners -
By: Chaeli Greco
Muscles of the Head/Face, Muscles of the Neck (Anterior/Posterior), Muscles of the Back ...13Decks400Flashcards16Learners -
By: Stephanie Jackson
The 8 Limbs of Yoga, Endocrine System, The Chakras ...37Decks768Flashcards655Learners -
Veterinary Anatomy
Veterinary Anatomy
By: Giselle Carter
Muscles of the Brachial Synsarcosis, Muscles of the Shoulder and Arm, The Neck ...16Decks870Flashcards13Learners -
Muscles O,I&A's
Muscles O,I&A's
By: Ally Richards
Muscles that move the thigh, Muscles that move the foot, Muscles that move the leg ...27Decks715Flashcards3Learners -
Muscle Biology
Muscle Biology
By: Kelliane Tambe
Intro to nervous system, Neurotransmission, Autonomic Nervous System Physiology ...25Decks846Flashcards13Learners -
MBChB - Y3 - MSK Upper Limb Anatomy
MBChB - Y3 - MSK Upper Limb Anatomy
By: Jam E
1.1.1. The Axilla, 1.1.2. Nerve Supply to the Upper Limb, 1.1.3. Vasculature of the Upper Limb ...48Decks1,147Flashcards6Learners -
Semester 2 Year 1
Semester 2 Year 1
By: Cormac Mathieson
Introduction to the Limbs, Structure of Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth Muscle, Osteology and Circulation of the Upper Limb ...82Decks3,075Flashcards9Learners -
Medicine Year 1 - Semester 2 - Part 1
Medicine Year 1 - Semester 2 - Part 1
By: Hannah Mathias
-, --, --- ...51Decks2,219Flashcards2Learners -
By: farah Alkhatib
arm muscles, forearm muscles (anterior), cubital fossa ...36Decks1,216Flashcards1Learner -
MBBS - Year 1
MBBS - Year 1
By: Jasmine Sappor
Intro to clinical skills, Clinical skills - Fractures and Dislocations, Clinical skills - Infection & Immunity ...93Decks6,009Flashcards230Learners -
Anatomy (Upper Extremity)
Anatomy (Upper Extremity)
By: Salvatore Liotta
Overview of the Lower Extremity, Upper Extremity, Extrinsic Muscles of the Back ...12Decks496Flashcards56Learners -
Personal Training
Personal Training
By: Joe Stephens
The Heart & Circulatory System, Musculoskeletal System, Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle ...30Decks647Flashcards90Learners -
ANATOMY - MSK (Upper Limb)
ANATOMY - MSK (Upper Limb)
By: Roshiva Nyaupane
1.1.1. The Axilla, 1.1.2. Nerve Supply to the Upper Limb, 1.1.3. Vasculature of the Upper Limb ...48Decks1,151Flashcards4Learners -
A. White- Human Anatomy
A. White- Human Anatomy
By: Antonio White
The spinal cord and spinal nerves, Cranial nerves, The Brachial Plexus ...23Decks2,787Flashcards55Learners -
Anatomy 337
Anatomy 337
By: Jessica Diol
Anatomical Terms/Epithelial Tissue, Muscle Tissue, Nervous tissue ...39Decks2,059Flashcards11Learners -
620: Clinical Human Anatomy
620: Clinical Human Anatomy
By: Alli Volkens
Introduction to Anatomy, Anterior/Posterior Axioappendicular Muscles, Scapulohumeral Muscles ...29Decks864Flashcards58Learners -
Gross Anatomy
Gross Anatomy
By: Hannah Padilla Lim
Overview of Anatomy, Skeletal System: Articular System, Skull and Cranial Fossae, Thorax ...20Decks885Flashcards39Learners -
Year 2 MIS
Year 2 MIS
By: David Houghton
Morphological Plan of the Upper Limb, Shoulder, and Spine, Nerve and Blood Supply of the Upper Limb, Physiology of skeletal muscle contraction ...48Decks2,736Flashcards6Learners -
By: Rodwan Halimi
Trunk and Pelvis, Trunk and Pelvis 2, Introduction to Radiology ...48Decks1,984Flashcards21Learners -
By: sophie rosen
Introduction to Clinical Anatomy, Spinal Cord and Meninges, Peripheral Nervous System ...29Decks1,876Flashcards8Learners -
The OSCE Anatomy
The OSCE Anatomy
By: Eilish Smyth
The Axilla, The Cubital Fossa, The Carpal Tunnel ...39Decks450Flashcards121Learners -
Musculoskeletal System
Musculoskeletal System
By: Jodie Murdoch
Upper limb Osteology, Pectoral Muscles, Session 1 - Bones and joints ...34Decks1,250Flashcards53Learners -
A&P Quarter 2.2
A&P Quarter 2.2
By: Matt Bresnahan
Muscle Histology, Muscle Histology II, Muscle Histology III ...22Decks837Flashcards12Learners -
Clinical Anatomy 1 - Upper Extremity
Clinical Anatomy 1 - Upper Extremity
By: Daniel White
Axioappendicular Muscles (Superficial Back/Pectoral Region), Scapular Muscles, Ligaments of Upper Extremity ...11Decks282Flashcards13Learners