Learn Restorative
Study Restorative using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: anisah h
Basic Perio, Tooth Wear, Van noort ...45Decks1,726Flashcards19Learners -
Restorative Art
Restorative Art
By: Heather Clark
Quiz 1, Racial Differences, Facial and Skull bones ...37Decks1,648Flashcards117Learners -
indirect Restoration
indirect Restoration
By: Tedman McMahon
Diagnostic Casts and Mounting *, Quiz 2 Course Supplies/ Diagnostic Wax Up, May 17, 2016 ...54Decks2,569Flashcards64Learners -
Direct Restoration
Direct Restoration
By: Tedman McMahon
Lecture 1, Lecture 3, Lecture 4 Reding ...23Decks1,830Flashcards25Learners -
By: Becky Wall
toothwear, tooth whitening (3rd year), occlusion and Rx dentistry (3rd year) ...12Decks614Flashcards2Learners -
Restorative Art
Restorative Art
By: Emily Thomas
Restorative Art Surface Anatomy Orientation and Introduction, Surface Bones of the Cranium, Surface Bones of the Face ...19Decks625Flashcards25Learners -
By: Sophie Lynch
occlusion, CSAR, RMTL ...10Decks441Flashcards2Learners -
Advanced Restorative
Advanced Restorative
By: Olivia Bellantoni
Course Introduction, Ethics in Esthetics, Elements of Smile Design ...16Decks563Flashcards1Learner -
1 - Restorative Procedures
1 - Restorative Procedures
By: Jayden Bohn
Restorative - Obj 1-3 - Week 2 PP, Restorative - Week 3 PP, Restorative - Outcome 4 ...19Decks659Flashcards1Learner -
restorative art
restorative art
By: Hannah Hornaday
chapter 2, cranial bones, glossary terms 1-44 quiz ...13Decks761Flashcards2Learners -
Restorative Art
Restorative Art
By: Sydney Macon
Details (Origin, Action, and insertion) of Facial Muscles, (Q2) Physiognomy: Proportions of Human Form, (Q2) Types of Restoration ...20Decks479Flashcards4Learners -
By: Joe Cunningham
Provisional Extra-coronal Restorations, Occlusion 1, Occlusion 2 ...17Decks296Flashcards18Learners -
Advanced Restorative
Advanced Restorative
By: sophie rosen
Intro, Elements of smile design, ESTHETICS ...14Decks446Flashcards3Learners -
Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
By: Linden Webb
Intro to Dental Terminology // Lecture 1, Permanent Anterior Teeth Anatomy, Anterior Esthetics ...11Decks616Flashcards8Learners -
Restorative dentistry
Restorative dentistry
By: Alexander Zaykov
Maxillary Premolars (permanent), Mandibular Premolars (permanent), Mix of all ...6Decks232Flashcards70Learners -
BDS4 Restorative
BDS4 Restorative
By: Cesca Lang
1 - Bridgework, 2 - Bridgework 2, 3 - Bridgework 3 ...18Decks361Flashcards6Learners -
BDS4 Restorative
BDS4 Restorative
By: Zach Geddes
Bridgework 1- Resin Bonded, Bridgework 2, Bridgework 3 ...12Decks462Flashcards7Learners -
BDS4 Restorative
BDS4 Restorative
By: Eilidh MacCormick
Bridgework, Bridgework, Tooth Wear ...11Decks193Flashcards3Learners -
BDS 2: Adult Restorative
BDS 2: Adult Restorative
By: Dhruv Patel
Dental Plaque, Microflora of Dental Plaque, Biochemical events in Dental Plaque ...22Decks419Flashcards5Learners -
CSP3 YR5- Restorative
CSP3 YR5- Restorative
By: Beth Hunt
Anatomy and Histology of the periodontium, Intro to tooth morphology, Pathogenic Bacteria ...44Decks4,633Flashcards2Learners -
4 - restorative
4 - restorative
By: David Jack
intro and conventional bridgework, adhesive bridge, bridgework design and materials ...14Decks251Flashcards2Learners -
Direct Restoration
Direct Restoration
By: Audrey Fisher
Isolation of the Op Field - Sturdevant's, Ch 7, Principles of Composite Restorations - Sturdevant's Ch 8 and Ch 9, Class II Composite Preparations ...6Decks170Flashcards42Learners -
Restorative Art 2
Restorative Art 2
By: Shun Shun
RA 2 Ear, RA 2 Wax, RA 2 Nose ...14Decks656Flashcards10Learners -
Restorative 2
Restorative 2
By: Grace Dillett
Intro to operative dentistry, Cavity Prep, management of occlusal caries ...15Decks304Flashcards9Learners -
Advanced restorative
Advanced restorative
By: Caleb Houghton
intro/ethics, smile esthetics, esthetics with leal ...9Decks236Flashcards3Learners -
Intermediate restorative skills (Den 305)
Intermediate restorative skills (Den 305)
By: Rachel Sladden
Advanced restorative dentistry, Planning for crowns and bridges, Dental composite in advanced restorative dentistry ...16Decks516Flashcards32Learners -
By: Kiran Kaur
Bridgework 1, Bridgework 2, Bridgework 3 ...8Decks163Flashcards1Learner -
CSP3 YR5- Restorative RESET
CSP3 YR5- Restorative RESET
By: Beth Hunt
Anatomy and Histology of the periodontium, Intro to tooth morphology, Pathogenic Bacteria ...44Decks4,633Flashcards1Learner -
Pims - Restorative Art
Pims - Restorative Art
By: maria neil
Week 1, Week 2, week 3 ...8Decks385Flashcards8Learners -
2 - Restorative Procedures
2 - Restorative Procedures
By: Jayden Bohn
Week 1 PP, Outcome 1 - Basic Principles, Materials, Assisting Methods, Outcome 6 - Placement of GI restorations ...13Decks433Flashcards2Learners