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Heme/Lymph 1 CP
Heme/Lymph 1 CP
By: Caitlin Pook
1 - Hematopoiesis, 2- VM, 3- Introduction to White Blood Cell Disorders, Reactive and Neoplastic Myeloid Processes ...12Decks388Flashcards4Learners -
By: Sara Pernille
1. Introduction, 2. Innate Immunity, 3a. Complement System ...19Decks368Flashcards5Learners -
Heme/ Lymph-AC
Heme/ Lymph-AC
By: Allison Cotter
1 - Hematopoiesis, 2- VM, 3- Introduction to White Blood Cell Disorders, Reactive and Neoplastic Myeloid Processes ...24Decks889Flashcards3Learners -
Immunology 1
Immunology 1
By: Jassie McGovern
1) Innate Immunity, 4) Antigen Presentation and MHC, 2) Inflammation ...9Decks272Flashcards3Learners -
102 Theme 4
102 Theme 4
By: Prutha Vyas
Lecture 1: Intro to Infection and Immunity, Lecture 2: Intro to Medical Microbiology, Lecture 3: Professional Pathogens ...11Decks201Flashcards2Learners -
By: Sage Zesiger
T1: traumatismos de musculos, síndrome compartimental y miositis, T2a: Patología de los tendones, T2b: Quistes y bursitis de los tendones ...24Decks861Flashcards5Learners -
By: Libby Madden
lecture 1 - antibodies, T cell receptors and MHC molecules, lecture 2 - genetics of antigen recognition receptors, lecture 3 - TCR and MHC ...12Decks356Flashcards1Learner -
Molecular & Cellular Immunology
Molecular & Cellular Immunology
By: Kiara Montgomery
Lecture 1: Evolution of Immunity, Lecture 2: Granulocytes, Lecture 3: Macrophages ...14Decks163Flashcards1Learner -
Ham Technician 2018-2022
Ham Technician 2018-2022
By: David Schrader
T0C, T2A, T5A ...13Decks112Flashcards1Learner -
By: Kamaal Jones
1- Intro to Immune System, 2- Cells of the Immune System, 3- Innate Immunity ...12Decks206Flashcards1Learner -
By: Chris Rodarte
Lecture 3: Hematopoiesis, Lecture 4: MHC & Ag Presentation to TCells, Lectures 5 - Antibody Structure and Function ...10Decks536Flashcards1Learner -
ZZZZZ Immunologie
ZZZZZ Immunologie
By: Rizwan Allahi
Hoofdstuk 1 Inleiding, Hoofdstuk 2 Aangeboren Afweer, Hoofdstuk 3 Antigeenpresentatie Aan Lymfocyten ...16Decks216Flashcards2Learners -
Cell and molecular biology of the immune system
Cell and molecular biology of the immune system
By: Evie-Rose Booth
Lecture 1-3 BCR, TCR and MHC, Lectures 4 - Lymphocyte development, Lecture 5 - T cell activation ...5Decks104Flashcards1Learner -
Year 1 (B1) - Respiratory
Year 1 (B1) - Respiratory
By: Chris Egubjo
Week 1/2 - A - Physiology 1 - Expiration/Inspiration, Ventilation, Alveoli, Boyles Law, LaPlace, Pneumothorax, Week 1/2 - B - Phsyiology 2-6 - Volumes, spirometry, compliance, dead space, O2/Hb curve, myoglobin, Resp centres/chemoreceptors, Week 1/2 - C - Asthma - Pharmocology (airway control), symptoms, diagnoses, management (SIGN), drug mechanisms, ACUTE ...19Decks624Flashcards3Learners -
By: Jasmine Santos
Microbiology - 1, Immunology - 1 - Intro, Pathology - 1 - Immunopathology ...17Decks108Flashcards1Learner -
Statistiek 2e deel
Statistiek 2e deel
By: Leiru Lin
Hoorcollege 6B: Meervoudige regressieanalyse, Hoorcollege 7B: t-toets op twee gemiddelden, Hoorcollege 8B: Variantieanalyse ...5Decks19Flashcards1Learner