advanced higher biology

This class was created by Brainscape user A P. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: A P

Decks in this class (45)

1.1a health and safety
What can present as a hazard in t...,
How do you control risk in a lab,
What is risk
5  cards
1.1b liquids and solutions
What are linear dilutions,
What are,
How would you produce a standard ...
5  cards
1.1c separation techniques
How does a centrifuge work,
What is paper and thin layer chro...,
What does the speed that each sol...
11  cards
1.1d detecting proteins using antibodies and microscopy
What are immunoassay techniques u...,
How do immunoassays work,
When is western blotting used
6  cards
1.1e aseptic technique and cell culture
What is the benefit of aseptic te...,
What does aseptic technique involve,
How can a microbial culture be st...
12  cards
1.2a the proteome + the synthesis and transport of proteins
What is the proteome,
Why is the proteome larger than t...,
What are genes that do not code f...
31  cards
1.2b protein structure
What determines protein structure,
What are proteins polymers of,
What are amino acids monomers of
23  cards
1.2c ligand binding and conformational change
What does ligand binding do,
What is a ligand,
What r groups can be allowed to b...
25  cards
1.3a Movement of molecules across membranes
How are integral membrane protein...,
What are one kind of integral mem...,
How are peripheral proteins held ...
20  cards
1.3b Ion transport pumps and generation of ion gradients
What forms the electrochemical gr...,
What is the membrane potential,
When is a membrane potential created
12  cards
1.4a Co-ordination
How do multicellular organisms si...,
Give 3 examples of extracellular ...,
What are receptor molecules of ta...
6  cards
1.4b Hydrophobic Signals and Control of Transcription
How can hydrophobic signalling mo...,
What are the receptors for intrac...,
What are transcription factors
7  cards
1.4c Hydrophilic Signals and Transduction
What happens to hydrophillic sign...,
Give 2 examples of hydrophilic ex...,
What happens to transmembrane rec...
14  cards
1.4d Generation of a Nerve Impulse
What is resting membrane potential,
What does the transmission of a n...,
What is an action potential
13  cards
1.4e Initiation of a nerve impulse in response to an environmental stimulus
What is the retina,
What are the two photoreceptor ce...,
What is the function of rods
13  cards
1.5a The Cytoskeleton and Cell Division
What is the function of the cytos...,
What is the structure of the cyto...,
What is the structure of microtub...
7  cards
1.5b The Cell Cycle
What does the cell cycle consist of,
What sections do interphase involve,
What happens in the mitotic phase
9  cards
1.5c Control of the Cell Cycle
What is progression through the c...,
What are checkpoints,
What do cyclin proteins do and wh...
9  cards
1.5d Control of Programmed Cell Death (apoptosis)
What is apoptosis triggered by,
What is an example of an external...,
What is an example of an internal...
9  cards
3.1 scientific principles and process
What is the scientific method,
What can scientific research be t...,
What does a null hypothesis propose
23  cards
3.2a Experimentation and pilot studies
What is the definition of validity,
What is the definition of reliabi...,
What is the definition of accuracy
7  cards
3.2b Experimental design
What is an independent variable,
What is a dependent variable,
What are the two different catego...
25  cards
3.2c Sampling and reliability
When is a representative sample o...,
What determines the appropriate s...,
When is a larger sample size requ...
17  cards
3.2d Presentation of data
What do discrete and continuous v...,
What is qualitative data,
What is quantitive data
17  cards
3.3a background information and reporting and evaluating experimental design
What should scientific reports co...,
What should background informatio...,
What should a title be
14  cards
3.3b Data analysis and evaluating results and conclusions
In results how should data be pre...,
How do you determine weather the ...,
What is a statistically significa...
8  cards
Things I forget
What is the definition of risk,
Give 2 examples of a control measure,
What is a linear dilution series
39  cards
Things I forget 2.0
What are the 3 rs in animal studies,
Define the 3 rs in animal studies,
How must scientific research be j...
51  cards
2.1a Health + safety and sampling of wild organisms
Give 4 hazards in fieldwork,
What is risk,
What does risk assessment involve
13  cards
2.1b Identification and Taxonomy
How can identification of an orga...,
Name 2 ways that organisms can be...,
What does taxonomy involve
15  cards
2.1c monitoring populations and measuring and recording animal behavior
What is the role of an indicator ...,
What is a susceptible species,
What is a favored species
16  cards
2.2a Drift and selection
What is evolution,
What happens during evolution,
What does variation in traits ari...
26  cards
2.2b Fitness and Co-evolution
What is fitness an indication of,
What is fitness a measure of,
What does fitness refer to
18  cards
2.3a Costs and Benefits of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
What are the costs of sexual repr...,
Explain the benefits and costs of...,
What is the role of genetic varia...
3  cards
2.3 b Meiosis
What is the definition if meiosis,
How do chromosomes in a diploid c...,
What are homologous chromosomes
10  cards
2.3c Sex Determination
What is the sex of birds mammals ...,
What determines the development o...,
Explain heterogametic males
9  cards
2.4a Parental Investment
Where is there greater investment...,
Benefit and downside of parental ...,
What are characteristics of r sel...
8  cards
2.5a Niche
What is an ecological niche,
What is a fundamental niche,
What is a realised niche
12  cards
2.5c Transmission and Virulence
What is transmission,
What is virulence,
How are ectoparasites generally t...
7  cards
2.5b Parasitic life cycles
Explain the number of hosts that ...,
Explain vectors in parasitic life...,
What is the human disease malaria...
13  cards
2.5d Defence Against Parasitic Attack
Explain immune response in mammals,
What are examples of non specific...,
What is the role of natural kille...
19  cards
2.5e Immune evasion
How do endoparasites evade the im...,
What is antigenic variation,
How do some viruses escape immune...
3  cards
2.5f Challenges in treatment and control
What is epidemiology,
What is the herd immunity threshold,
How do vaccines work
11  cards
2.4b Reproductive behaviours and mating systems in animals
What are mating systems based on,
What is monogamy,
What is polygamy
14  cards
2.3a Costs and Benefits of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
What are the costs of sexual repr...,
Explain benefits and costs of sex...,
What does genetic variation provi...
16  cards

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