This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

The Disease of Pulp and Periodontium
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the clinical features of...,
How do we diagnose acute pulpitis
16  cards
Spread of Infection
Where might infection of upper an...,
Where might infection of upper la...,
Where might infection of upper pr...
23  cards
Microbiology & Antimicrobials
What growth conditions do aerobic...,
What growth conditions do capnoph...,
What growth conditions do faculta...
38  cards
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery
What are examples of excisional s...,
What is papillary hyperplasia,
What is a vestibuloplasty
14  cards
Third Molars
Between what ages do third molars...,
At what age does crown calcificat...,
At what age does crown calcificat...
67  cards
TMJ Disorder
What are some different names for...,
What is the blood supply of the tmj,
What nerves supply the tmj
31  cards
Maxillary Sinus (complications & clinical significance)
What are functions of the paranas...,
What sinuses are present in the s...,
Describe the shape of the maxilla...
31  cards
Soft Tissue Lesions & Biopsy Techniques
What is a biopsy,
What types of biopsies are there,
What types of surgical biopsies a...
31  cards
Management of Zygomatic Orbital Trauma
How are maxillofacial fractures c...,
List the different central middle...,
What are the clinical signs of ma...
15  cards
Surgical Options for TMJ Diseases
Give examples of different tmj di...,
What are the different components...,
What psychological causes can lea...
20  cards
Cysts of the Jaws
What is a cyst by definition,
Are cysts characteristically fill...,
What is usually the rate of progr...
79  cards
Bone Grafts & Implantology
What are the four causes of bone ...,
Name some different types of bone...,
What is an autogenous bone graft
39  cards
Mandibular Fractures
What muscles elevate the mandible,
What muscles depress the mandible,
What are some clinical signs symp...
23  cards
Bone Pathology
What is the building unit of comp...,
Where are bone pain receptors and...,
On this image what are the dark c...
55  cards
BDS4 Oral Surgery PPs
What foramen does the ophthalmic ...,
What foramen does the maxillary b...,
What foramen does the mandibular ...
12  cards
Orthognathic Surgery
0  cards

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bds4 oral surgery

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