This class was created by Brainscape user Eilidh MacCormick. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

diseases of pulp and periodontium
Pulp hyperaemia,
Clinical features of irreversible...,
What is acute pulpitis more commo...
22  cards
spread of infection
What two muscles attachments are ...,
With regards to the mylohyoid mus...,
With regards to buccinator where ...
17  cards
pyogenic infection symposium
What 4 special investigations may...,
How long after treatment should a...,
Name 2 common bacteria found in d...
20  cards
third molars
What age do third molars usually ...,
What age does crown and root calc...,
What proportion of adults will be...
22  cards
third molars 2
Why is it important to rule out a...,
Working space with regards to thi...,
When doing a radiographic report ...
21  cards
third molars 3
What are the anaesthesia options ...,
What type of flap is raised for a...,
Name 2 instruments that could be ...
23  cards
What artery supplies the tmj area,
What nerves supply the tmj area,
Why may patients complain of eara...
32  cards
maxillary sinus
What age do maxillary and ethmoid...,
Name 3 functions of the sinuses,
Average volumetric space of each ...
19  cards
maxillary sinus 2
What effect does viral infection ...,
How can bacterial sinusitis occur,
Name 5 signs and symptoms of sinu...
9  cards
soft tissue lesions
Why is aspiration superior to swa...,
When is a fine needle biopsy done,
Incisional biopsy
15  cards
Discuss the tmj 3,
What movements do the upper and l...,
What are the 3 extracapsular liga...
9  cards
OS/ ortho interface
Name 4 potential surgeries that m...,
Name 3 potential problems of auto...,
When and why is a apically respos...
3  cards
Why may retained roots be kept ra...,
Aetiology of retained roots 3,
General surgical principles 4
16  cards
suturing and surgical technique
What are luxators used for,
How should you hold suture holders,
Why should suture knot be tied at...
4  cards
mandibular fractures and bone grafts
Symptoms of a mandibular fracture 3,
Clinical signs of a mandibular fr...,
What fracture may cause bleeding ...
19  cards
maxillofacial trauma
What is the glasgow coma scale us...,
Signs of a midface fracture 3,
What are the 5 steps in an atls a...
12  cards
orthognathic surgery
Name 3 members of an orthognathic...,
Why is a psychologist part of the...,
Aperts syndrome
5  cards
Cysts of the Jaw
Definition of a cyst,
Signs and symptoms of a cyst 4,
Radiographic features of cysts sh...
21  cards
Cysts of the Jaw 2
Odontogenic keratocyst,
What age group are okcs most common,
Growth pattern tendency of odonto...
21  cards

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bds4 oral surgery

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