This class was created by Brainscape user - -. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: - -

Decks in this class (22)

Oral surgery and histopathology
What are the red flags in head an...,
What are the red flags of squamou...,
What are the symptoms of oral squ...
53  cards
Odontogenic tumours
How can odontogenic tumours be di...,
What are the incidence of odontog...,
What is the classification of odo...
33  cards
What is a cyst,
Signs and symptoms of cysts,
What investigations to carry out ...
49  cards
Soft tissue lesions and biopsy
What is a biopsy,
What is the advantages of aspirat...,
What is fine needle aspiration bi...
33  cards
Biopsy post operative advice
What to tell a patient regarding ...,
What to tell patient regarding bl...,
What other instructions to give t...
3  cards
histology of cysts
What is the histopathology of rad...,
What is the content of radicular ...,
What is the histopathological fin...
9  cards
What flaps can be used for apicec...,
2  cards
Randome Questions
What to ask a patient about a les...,
How would you perform e o examina...,
How to describe a lesion
9  cards
Histology slides interpretation
What is chronic hyperplastic cand...,
What is the histological features...,
What is mild epithelial dysplsia
14  cards
Caries prevention and management in children
Brushing advice for standard risk...,
What advice would you give a pati...,
What is the toothbrushing advice ...
14  cards
Safegaurding children
What are the contributing factors...,
What are the catagories of child ...,
What are the markers of neglect
22  cards
What is the best age for function...,
What does an orthodontic assessme...,
What are the two causes of malocc...
112  cards
Treatment of discolouration
What pre operative records would ...,
What is enamel microabrasion,
How do you perform it
22  cards
Dental anomalies
What is amelogenesis imperfecta,
What is the incidence of amelogen...,
What are the 4 main types of amel...
31  cards
Complaint handling
What do patients want when they c...,
What is the importance of communi...,
What is a complaint
25  cards
What is type 1 diabetes,
What is type 2 diabetes,
What are the symptoms of diabetes
10  cards
What is the definition of a biofilm,
What is calculus,
What to use for basic perio exami...
27  cards
What bacteria is involved in apic...,
Normal pulp,
Reversible pulpitis
14  cards
Antibiotic prophylaxis
When was the sdcep guidance release,
What patients are at increased ri...,
What are some examples of invasiv...
6  cards
SDCEP management of dental patients taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs
Give examples of dental procedure...,
What are examples of dental proce...,
What are examples of dental proce...
25  cards
managing patients at risk of MRONJ
What is mronj,
What are some signs and symptoms ...,
What cancers should be warning si...
17  cards
Spread of infection
What are the routed of spread of ...,
Spread of infection of upper ante...,
Spread of infection in upper late...
7  cards

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