This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Gavigan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

BDS4 Cysts of the Jaws
What is a cyst,
Signs and symptoms of cysts,
What is radiograph investigation ...
64  cards
BDS4 Odontogenic Tumours
Describe odontogenic tumours,
What is classification of odontog...,
What can only mixed tumours have
29  cards
BDS4 bone pathology
What is systemic hormones of bone...,
What is special tests of bone bio...,
What is developmental abnormalities
34  cards
Paediatric SDCEP - full guidelines
What is plaque scoring grades,
What are caries risk assessment f...,
What are beahvioural management t...
45  cards
Drug Prescribing for dentistry
What is dental abscess management,
If local measures are ineffective...,
What is second line antibiotics
36  cards
Caries RIsk assessment
What are factors necessary for ca...,
What are local caries risk factors,
What are 7 elements of caries risk
14  cards
Describe caries,
What are risk indicators in child...,
What is early childhood caries al...
28  cards
BDS3 ortho assessment
What is ideal occlusion,
What is malocclusion,
What must you ask about in relati...
32  cards
BDS3 interceptive ortho important
What is definition of interceptiv...,
How is space gained to accomomada...,
What is leeway space of upper arch
47  cards
BDS3 ortho tx planning
What are stages of treatment plan...,
What do you look to examine in lo...,
What do you look to examine in up...
13  cards
BDS4 Risk and benefits to ortho
What are benefits to ortho,
What does mocdo mean,
Effects of impacted teeth
8  cards
BDS4 hypodontia
What does anodontia mean,
What is severe hypodontia mean,
What is hypodontia associated wit...
14  cards
BDS4 Seminar radiology
Why might take an opt for ortho,
Other indications for ortho opt,
35  cards
BDS4 Seminar 2 -Unerupted maxillary incisors and Unerupted Ectopic canines
What are options for unerupted ec...,
What is tx aims,
What is intra oral assessment for...
30  cards
BDS4 Seminar 3 - Interceptive Orthodontics
What are some anomalies of primar...,
What might need intercepting,
What is this
50  cards
Class II div 1
What is definition of class ii div 1,
Why treat class ii div 1,
What is aetiology and features of...
29  cards
Class III
What is definition of class iii,
What could skeletal aetiology of ...,
What could skeletal aetiology of ...
27  cards
Class II Div 2
1 what skeletal pattern is class ...,
1 what skeletal pattern is class ...,
1 des cribe soft tissue features ...
20  cards
ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEON - ectopic canines
When will you know if canine is p...,
When do interceptive,
When do surgical exposure ortho a...
6  cards
ROYAL COLLEGE SURGEON - ectopic incisor
When consider delayed,
Management options,
What is type of way to remove obs...
4  cards
BDS3 treatment planning
What are diff types of special in...,
What is purpose of a facebow,
What are stages of treatment plan...
33  cards
BDS3 Treatment planning - Inlays, Onlays and Veneers
What do you use for mounted study...,
What are the conventional clinica...,
What do you use for chairside ind...
30  cards
BDS4 principles of Crown prep
When to provide extra coronal res...,
What are principles of tooth prep,
What is involved with preservatio...
25  cards
BDS4 dickie bridges
Indications bridges,
Contra indications bridges,
What is retainers
61  cards
Dental demolition and managing failure in tooth wear part 2 L3
What is radiographic washout,
Basic technique for cutting indir...,
Repeat endo instruments
9  cards
Complaints ppt
What are patients in general seek...,
Why is communication important,
What is important for whole denta...
28  cards
easy guide to consent for perio
Explain plaque and gum disease,
3 why else you may have this disease,
What will happen to you as a patient
5  cards
SCR plan
What is plan to folloiw,
What is tx plan
2  cards
cysts tutorial
1 cysts,
2 odontogenic cystsa radicular cy...,
2 odontogenic cystsb inflammatory...
10  cards
Cysts pictures histology
What type of cyst,
Type of cyst,
Type cyst histology you see
24  cards
cysts sdeo
Give provisional diagnosis,
What is this and explain how it a...,
What is this and explain why
31  cards
cyst symposium ppt
What is this1 explain clinical2 e...,
Explain dentigerous cyst,
What is this1 explain clinical2 e...
8  cards

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