This class was created by Brainscape user Deleted Deleted. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Examination that should be done i...,
Examination that can be done but ...,
When and why would you carry hand...
6  cards
Common neurological disorders
What are some common neurological...,
What are the impacts of neurologi...,
Is carpal tunnel syndrome more co...
109  cards
What is the optimal ph of the body,
2 what happens if the body ph get...,
3 how can the body overcome the p...
75  cards
Cranial Nerves
What are the most important nerve...,
There are 12 cranial nerves expla...,
What are the parts of brainstem
29  cards
GI Disorders
Name some of the problems that ca...,
What is tenesmus,
What can be the possible aetiolog...
84  cards
Describe the circulatory system h...,
Can you name all the different ty...,
What are arteries and arterioles
72  cards
State four facts about skin,
What are the four functions of skin,
Name a few viral infections
57  cards
Respiratory 1
Describe the anatomy of the respi...,
How does the anatomy of the respi...,
43  cards
Respiratory 2
What is obstructive sleep apnea,
What causes,
What is the interventions for obs...
22  cards
Bone and Joints 1
What are the bone types,
What collagen and minerals found ...,
Why is collagen mineralisation cr...
20  cards
Bone and joint 2
1 list 3 different joint disorders,
2 what are the different types of...,
3 what are the 3 key areas of def...
63  cards
Vaccination and population immunity
Main role of immune system,
Why has the infectious diseases r...,
History of smallpox
12  cards
Endocrine disorders
Explain hypothalamic pituitary ax...,
Define the pituitary gland and it...,
What is negative feedback loop
19  cards
Cancer Symposium (all 3 lectures)
Define cancer,
What is meant by non physiological,
Is thickened skin cancer
45  cards
Diabetes & obesity
Glucose is the main energy source...,
Glucose cannot diffuse across cel...,
What is the role of sodium in glu...
69  cards
Blood 2
Where are red cells derived from,
What is the function of rbc,
Define anaemia
38  cards
Blood 1
What does plasma consist of,
What are red blood cells,
What are the two types of haemato...
25  cards
What are the two main blood vesse...,
What happens to the blood once it...,
What is the blood vessel taking b...
76  cards
Mental Health
Which are the 4 main disorders we...,
What is the most common disorder ...,
What are the 3 types of anxiety d...
49  cards
Prolonged bleeding
What are the two classification o...,
What congenital causes would caus...,
What acquired causes lead to blee...
69  cards
How does skin act as a defence ag...,
How do mucous and respiratory cil...,
How does stomach acid correlate w...
20  cards
Hiv & hep
When was the first reported descr...,
What happened during 400 bce 1800,
First cases of hepatitis transfer...
42  cards
How would you describe normal bra...,
What type of brain activity cause...,
What determines the type of seizure
29  cards

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c m s 1

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