This class was created by Brainscape user Harriet Fuller. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Lecture 2
What is the relationship between ...,
What happens if blood pressure is...,
What are the 3 types of neural co...
79  cards
Lecture 3-4
What are the two types of depress...,
What are the two types of excitat...,
What is the controlled variable i...
75  cards
Lecture 5 - Congential Heart Defects
What are congenital heart defects,
When do congenital heart defects ...,
What is the septa
114  cards
Lecture 6 - Cardiac Excitation Contraction Coupling
Where are the ca2 ions stored,
What is the ventricular myocyte,
What are some types of on mechanisms
33  cards
Lecture 7 - ECG, Electrical Events In The Heart
P wave,
P r q interval,
Qrs complex
54  cards
Lecture 8 -control And Regulation Of Contraction
How do you measure strength,
What does the sympathetic nervous...,
What do the right sympathetic ner...
47  cards
Starlings Law - In Lecture 8
0  cards
Lecture 9
How does excitation contraction c...,
What does electrolyte excitation ...,
What does the structure of the ve...
38  cards
Lecture 10
What is the purpose of the heart,
What is the pumping action of the...,
What is preload
35  cards
Lecture 10 Part 2
What does endurance training incr...,
What is the fold change from endu...,
What is one way of measuring the ...
45  cards
Lecture 11
What are the arteries located at ...,
What does the brachiocephalic art...,
Where does the carotid artery tak...
64  cards
Lecture 12
What is the circulation pathway o...,
What happens in terms of blood fl...,
What do you need in order for blo...
34  cards
Lecture 13
What is blood flow like in all ti...,
What tissue has the most blood fl...,
What tissue has the most blood fl...
73  cards
Lecture 13 Part 2
What can contractile stimulation ...,
What can receptor stimulation occ...,
What is mechanical perturbation
32  cards
Lecture 14
What happens when the endothelium...,
What happens endothelium is present,
What was discovered when the epit...
58  cards
Lecture 14 Part 2
What is pulse pressure,
What is mean arterial pressure,
What is incisura
39  cards
Lecture 15
What happens in the foetal placen...,
What happens to the polar tropbob...,
In the development of the placent...
68  cards
Lecture 16 - How To Mend A Broken Heart
What do cardiomyocytes make up of...,
What are fibroblasts,
Smooth muscle blood cells have th...
30  cards
Lecture 17 - Regulation Of Cardiac Senescence In Health And Disease
How many people in the uk are liv...,
What is the total annual health c...,
What age is more likely to surviv...
55  cards

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cardiovascular system module

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