This class was created by Brainscape user Roxanna Whittaker-Lewis. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Core Duties
Core duty 1,
Core duty 2,
Core duty 3
10  cards
Q what is the purpose of the limi...,
Q what is the time limit for brin...,
Q can the limitation period be ex...
11  cards
What are adjudicative processes,
What is an example of an adjudica...,
What are non adjudicative processes
7  cards
What are the requirements for the...,
What is the legal basis for set off,
What is the requirement for filin...
7  cards
Starting a claim
What is the overriding objective ...,
Name 5 of the court s management ...,
When will the court strike out a ...
21  cards
Default Judgement
In which three type of claim is d...,
In which circumstances as opposed...,
When should a claimant apply for ...
21  cards
Interim application
What is summary judgment accordin...,
What is the purpose of an interim...,
What is security for costs accord...
4  cards
Additional parties to a claim part 20
When will the court add or substi...,
What happens if a claimant claims...,
When can a party add or substitut...
16  cards
Application notice
What 7 documents must be verified...,
If a statement of case is not ver...,
What is the meaning of an applica...
23  cards
Interim Payment
An order for an interim remedy ma...,
The court may grant an interim re...,
When is the first time a claimant...
24  cards
If a defendant files a defence wh...,
When parties receive a notice of ...,
What will the court do if parties...
24  cards
Disclosure and inspection
What is a norwich pharmacal order,
What are the conditions for a nor...,
In what types of claims can norwi...
46  cards
CPR 35
What should expert evidence be co...,
When will expert evidence be requ...,
Define single joint expert
22  cards
CPR 52
What is the normal route of appea...,
What is the normal route of appea...,
Name two instances when an appeal...
20  cards
Enforcement of Judgments
Name 8 ways of enforcing judgment,
If a jc seeks an execution agains...,
If a jc seeks a charging order of...
18  cards
What factors does the court consi...,
What factors does the court consi...,
Can a costs order be enforced aga...
29  cards
multiple causes of action counterclaims and additional claims
What are multiple causes of actio...,
What should be considered when ne...,
What is the purpose of making new...
9  cards
part 36
What is the purpose of part 36 ac...,
What are the requirements for a v...,
What happens if a part 36 offer i...
11  cards
Default Judgement
What are the conditions that a cl...,
What is the difference between se...,
What is the difference between de...
3  cards
Lisa is a plaintiff who filed a c...,
Question when will the court seek...,
Question what does dealing with a...
21  cards
MCQ Mock
1 some months ago harry entered i...,
Emily baker issued a professional...,
Elsa and esme are considering ent...
25  cards
Court System
What are the main civil courts in...,
What is the difference between th...,
What is the court of appeal expla...
5  cards

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civil law

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