cold war(1): early tension between east and west 1945-58

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Differences In Superpowers
What is a cold war,
What where the five measures both...,
What where the political differen...
6  cards
The Grand Allience
What is the order of the three co...,
Who where the big three,
Why was there slight disagreement...
13  cards
Soviet Expansion
What where the percentage deals,
Why was poland important to the s...,
When and what was the long telegram
4  cards
How Soviet Control Was Carried Out, 1945-47
What did the countries the soviet...,
What was the pattern with the cou...,
What are the five countries that ...
9  cards
Impact On US- Soviet Relations
When and what was the iron curtai...,
What had roosevelt and stalin agr...,
What had they not expected
3  cards
US Containment
When and why did the rivalry betw...,
When was the truman doctrine what...,
What where the three reasons used...
12  cards
Soviet Retaliation
What are the two organizations se...,
Why did they set these organizati...,
When sand why was cominform set u...
8  cards
The Berlin Crisis, 1948-49
In short what was the berlin bloc...,
What was intended to happen to be...,
What where the three differences ...
8  cards
The Berlin Airlift
What did truman see stalins actio...,
What did the allies settle on,
When did the berlin airlifts bega...
12  cards
Results Of The Crisis
What where the three major effect...,
How did western forces react at t...,
How did this effect the rivalry
7  cards
Soviet Response To NATO
When was nato founded,
When do the soviets set up the wa...,
What was the warsaw pact
5  cards
The Arms Race
What did both the soviet union an...,
When did the soviet union get the...,
In response to the soviets attain...
13  cards
The Hungarian Uprising, 1956
Who is the new leader of the sovi...,
What does nikita khrushchev want ...
2  cards
Hungary After The Second World War
Who occcupied hungary in ww 2,
Who was the most influential powe...,
What was set up in hungary post war
4  cards
Impact Of Soviet Control
What happens in 1947 to the small...,
What happens in the election late...,
What did the soviet union make hu...
4  cards
The Rule Of Rakosi
How did rokosi stay in power in h...,
What did rakosi use to stay in po...,
What controlled the hungarian eco...
7  cards
Key Festures Of The Uprising
When was the uprising,
Who protested at the start of the...,
What happens after demonstrations...
8  cards
Krushechev’s Repsonse To The Uprising
Key figures who is imre nagy who ...,
What was krushchev anxious of,
What does krushchev do and when
5  cards
Events Of The Invasion
What do soviet forces quickly do,
What did the fighting quickly tur...,
What did the hungarians try to do
7  cards
International Reactions To The Hungarian Uprising
How did the west react,
Why could the west not really int...,
What did the un do
5  cards

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cold war(1): early tension between east and west 1945-58

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