cold war(3): the end of the cold war 1970-91

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Détente In The 1970’s
What became evident during the 19...,
What did the cuban missile crisis...,
What did the hotline initially do
6  cards
The Vietnam War
What had the usa done in the 1950...,
What did the usa do in 1965,
What happens during the war summa...
7  cards
Nixon’s Visit To Moscow, 1972
When did nixon visit moscow,
What did he make clear during his...,
Where did nixon visit before moscow
7  cards
SALT I, 1972
What had nixon decided to do earl...,
What had led to the salt i talks,
When and what was salt i
8  cards
The Middle East: Yom Kippur War, 1973
What happened in october 1973 dur...,
What happened after israel recove...,
What and who put forward a plan
6  cards
Nixon’s Visit To Moscow, 1974
What did nixon do,
What did the leaders agree to bot...
2  cards
Space Link Up
When did the apollo soyuz mission...,
What was it a consequence of,
What did it involve
4  cards
The Helsinki Agreements
What were the helnsiki agreements...,
When were the helsinki agreements,
What happened the helsinki agreem...
7  cards
Superpowrr Elations After Helsinki
Who became the new president and ...,
What did carter do,
How were carters actions seen
9  cards
SALT II, 1974
When did salt ii begin and when w...,
What were the five terms of salt ii
2  cards
Worsening Relations
Did ratification of the treaty ta...,
Why did the ratification of the t...,
What did nato do in late 1979
4  cards
Mikhail Gorbachev: Changing Attitudes
When did brezhnev die,
When did gorbachev became leader ...,
What was different about gorbachev
5  cards
Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘ New Thinking’
Why was the soviet union struggling,
How did gorbachev want to address...,
What did gorbachev intend to do
8  cards
Other Developments
What are some other things gorbac...,
Why was glasnost a two edged swor...,
What was the issue with the arms ...
5  cards
The Summit Conferences 1985-86
What was renewed,
What happened in the geneva summit,
What did the two leaders do after...
5  cards
The 1986 Summit Meeting In Reykjavik
Why did the summit collapse
1  cards
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty(INF), 1987
When was the third summit held wh...,
Why did gorbachev refused to sign...,
What were the four ways the gorba...
6  cards
Further Agreements
What did the inf treaty get follo...,
What was gorbymania
2  cards
Sovirt Invasion Of Afghanistan, 1979
What did the invasion of afghanis...,
What did the usa see the invasion as,
Why had the soviet union invaded ...
3  cards
Background To Soviet Involvment In Afghanistan
When and who overthrew the govern...,
Who became president on the revol...,
What did the pdpa impose in its f...
11  cards
The Invasion
When and what was sent to afghan,
What were soviet troops there to do,
How did brezhnev attempt to exuse...
6  cards
Significance Of The Invasion
Why was president carter under pr...,
What did the students want,
What did carter do
3  cards
The Carter Doctrine
What did carters tough apporach t...,
What was the carter doctrine,
What did the carter doctrine promise
7  cards
Moscow Olympics, 1980
What was president carters most c...,
What did carter threaten to do,
What did the american press do
3  cards
End Of Détente
Did carters actions force soviet ...,
What did carters actions do,
What did this mark
3  cards
Reagans Attitude To Foregin Policy
When did reagan replace carter,
What did reagan emphasize,
What did this change in policy mark
6  cards
Reagans Defence Policiy
How much did the us defense progr...,
What did the us defence program i...,
What did the us do as a result of...
4  cards
Impact Of Reagan’s Policy
Why did reagan and his advisors f...,
What did nuts involve,
Why did tension begin to rise
5  cards
The ’Zero’ option
What was reagan prepared to do,
When was the zero option proposed,
What was the zero option
6  cards
Polish Solidarity
What continued despite reagan ref...,
Why were the strategic arms reduc...,
What else caused relation to worsen
3  cards
The Strategic Defence Initiative
When and who announced the strate...,
What was sdi named by the media,
What was sdj a plan for
9  cards
Impact Of Gorbachevs ‘nee Thinking’ On Eastern Europe
What had gorbachev shown,
What was going on with the soviet...,
What doctrine does gorbachev reject
7  cards
Changes In Eastern Europe
What had gorbachev intended to do,
When did reforms first start and ...,
Did gorbachev intervene
5  cards
The Fall Of The Berlin Wall
What was east germany also to do,
What was the communist government...,
What happens in early 1989 is eas...
10  cards
The Collapse Of The Soviet Union
What was gorbachev seen as,
How was gorbachev seen by the sov...,
What was gorbachev awarded in 1990
15  cards
End Of The Warsaw Pact And The Cold War
What became clear as the soviet c...,
What was the warsaw pact,
Why did the pact no longer serve ...
8  cards

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cold war(3): the end of the cold war 1970-91

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