english literature

This class was created by Brainscape user charlie fielding. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Key Quotes
George key quotations 5,
Farm dream quotations,
Candy dream quotations
9  cards
What was the great depresssion,
Key facts relating to the dust bowl,
What was the dust bowl
11  cards
Characters Explained
George explanation,
Lennie explained,
Slim explained
5  cards
George Character Explained
What backs up the statement georg...,
Analyse the quote i want you to s...,
What does george mean
4  cards
Curleys Wife Character Explained
How is curleys wife introduced,
What is candy s opinion on curley...,
What is john steinbeck trying to ...
13  cards
Candy Character Explained
What do steinbeck use candy to show,
What is capitalism,
What happened in 1929
13  cards
Curley Vs Slim(Power And Authority)
What is power and authority,
Does curley s or slim have power ...,
What was said about curley initially
10  cards
What 4 contexts are there,
How did loneliness affect george ...,
How did loneliness affect candy
8  cards
How is lennie compared to an animal,
Describe the symbolism of the mouse,
How is curley s wife death foresh...
7  cards
Gender And Masculinity
How is curley s wife affected by ...,
How is masculinity portrayed
2  cards
How to write an introduction,
Model introduction answer eg lone...,
Model answer introduction eg power
3  cards
Crooks Character Explained
What are jim cro laws,
What is the ku klux klan,
How is crooks first introduced
9  cards
Peoms(how They Link)
How do if and prayer before birth...,
Which poems are linked by memory,
Which poems link by romantic love
7  cards

More about
english literature

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