This class was created by Brainscape user Inayah Saeed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Food Poisoning
Sources of campylobacter,
Incubation period of campylobacter,
How can campylobacter be controlled
15  cards
Food Safety
Why have probiotic cultures becom...,
Explain why microorganisms are im...,
Explain how microorganisms are us...
3  cards
Food Science
What is protein denaturation,
What things cause proteins to den...,
What is coagulation
9  cards
Food Provenance
When animals are farmed intensive...,
What is used to in order to prote...,
What is animal welfare
42  cards
Marketing And Food Labels
What mandatory information must b...,
What unit is energy listed in,
What unit is other information li...
19  cards
Name all macronutrients,
What is a macronutrient,
Name uses of protein
45  cards
What are micronutrients,
Name sources of fat soluble vitamins,
How does the body store fat solub...
67  cards
Organic Farming And Intensive Farming
What is intensive farming,
What are the disadvantages of usi...,
Why do farmers use artificial fer...
9  cards
Food Production
What is primary processing,
What is secondary processing,
Describe the process of wheat tur...
30  cards
Cooking Methods
Name the three headings cooking m...,
What is boiling,
What is the method of heat transf...
79  cards
What does gelatinisation involve,
What happens during gelatinisation,
At what temperature do starch gra...
22  cards
Health And Safety
What is the risk of saliva,
Name a saliva prevention,
Name a prevention for nose throat...
18  cards
Vitamin Nutrition
Vitamin a function,
Vitamin a sources,
Vitamin a effects of deficiency
62  cards
Cake Making And Raising Agents
When cake making what does flour do,
What does dextrinisation mean,
What is the function of fat
27  cards

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gcse food tech

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