This class was created by Brainscape user Ashlynn Guo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Treaty Of Versailles
When was the treaty of versailles...,
What did germany lose in terms of...,
What happened to the german military
8  cards
Weimar Government
When was the weimar constitution ...,
What changes were made in the new...,
What did the chancellor have to g...
5  cards
What were the threats the weimar ...,
What other revolution was thought...,
What did the weimar support that ...
3  cards
Spartacist Uprising
When was the spartacist uprising,
Who were the leaders of the spart...,
What happened to most of rosa s s...
6  cards
Kapp Putsch
When was the kapp putsch,
What was the aim of the putsch,
Who was the leader of the putsch
5  cards
French Occupation Of The Ruhr
What was another name for the ruhr,
Why did france take over the ruhr...,
How did the german people react t...
5  cards
What were the effects of hyperinf...,
Who benefitted from the hyperinfl...,
What was the value of 1 in novemb...
3  cards
Recovery Of Hyperinflation
Who was appointed chancellor from...,
What plan happened in 1924 and wh...,
What did stresemann introduce in ...
7  cards
Golden Age Of Weimar
When was the golden age of weimar,
What happened to the support of m...,
When was the general election hel...
9  cards
Early Nazi Party
Who founded the dap and how many ...,
What was hitler good at and what ...,
What was the manifesto who wrote ...
7  cards
Munich Putsch (Beer Hall Putsch)
When did the munich putsch occur ...,
Where did the beer hall putsch mu...,
Who were the main people involved...
4  cards
Hitler’s Trial
When did hitler s trial take plac...,
How did the benefit hitler,
When was hitler found guilty and ...
5  cards
Nazi Party
When did the nazi party relaunch,
Who was appointed what,
Who replaced the sa
6  cards
How many people were unemployed b...,
How did this benefit the nazi party,
What were the results for hitler ...
3  cards
Support For The Nazis
What did goebbles do,
How many seats did the nazis gain...,
What were the following elections...
4  cards
Reichstag Fire
How many people died in the reich...,
When was the fire and who was arr...,
How did this benefit hitler
7  cards
What does question 1 want,
What does question 2 want,
What does question 4 want
18  cards

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