imperial year 5 specialties - paeds

This class was created by Brainscape user fatima habib. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (92)

Biliary atresia Passmed notes - breadth
1.Identify and interpret clinical data (from history, examination and investigations) to make a diagnosis of billiary atresia 2.Formulate a management plan for billiary atresia recognising the risks and benefits of treatments 3.Apply medical and laboratory sciences to inform the diagnosis, management and prognosis of billiary atresia ?
21  cards
Biliary atresia BMJ NOTES - depth
1.Identify and interpret clinical data (from history, examination and investigations) to make a diagnosis of billiary atresia 2.Formulate a management plan for billiary atresia recognising the risks and benefits of treatments 3.Apply medical and laboratory sciences to inform the diagnosis, management and prognosis of billiary atresia ?
42  cards
Biliary Atresia passmed questions
A concerned mother attends the em...,
A 6 month old baby is brought to ...,
A worried mother attends the paed...
11  cards
2  cards
Contraindications to lumbar punct...,
Investigation for patients with m...
10  cards
Asthma in Children - passmed
What is considered a severe asthm...,
What are the signs of a life thre...,
For children over 5 years old wha...
56  cards
Asthma in Children - SOFIA BMJ
What are the key elements in the ...,
What should be noted during the p...,
What diagnostic investigations ar...
10  cards
Asthma in Children - BTS Guidelines
What tests are recommended for in...,
What is the role of spirometry in...,
What is fractional exhaled nitric...
8  cards
Bronchiolitis breadth - Passmed
What is bronchiolitis,
What percentage of bronchiolitis ...,
What are the peak age and inciden...
24  cards
Bronchiolitis - Sofia BMJ
What age group is most commonly a...,
What are the typical initial symp...,
What key symptom progression occu...
10  cards
Bronchiolitis - NICE CKS guidelines
What is the age range primarily a...,
What symptoms define bronchioliti...,
What additional symptoms are comm...
7  cards
Anaemia and B12 deficiency
What is autoimmune hemolytic anem...,
What are the two types of aiha,
What is the most common type of aiha
113  cards
Constipation Passmed
Define constipation,
Feature of constipation,
33  cards
Constipation bmj, nice and cks
Constipation overview,
Rome iv criteria,
Chronic constipation definition
28  cards
Chickenpox passmed
What causes chickenpox and what i...,
How is chickenpox transmitted and...,
Describe the clinical features of...
8  cards
Pyloric Stenosis Passmed
What is pyloric stenosis and when...,
What causes pyloric stenosis,
What is the incidence of pyloric ...
7  cards
Acute otitis media passmed
How common is acute otitis media ...,
Describe the pathophysiology of a...,
What are the clinical features of...
7  cards
Scarlet Fever Passmed
What is scarlet fever and its com...,
How is scarlet fever transmitted,
What is the incubation period and...
8  cards
meningitis management passmed
How should suspected bacterial me...,
Describe the initial approach for...,
When and why should a lumbar punc...
10  cards
Henoch Schonlein Purpura
What is henoch schonlein purpura ...,
What are the typical features of ...,
What is the typical treatment app...
5  cards
Testicular Torsion Passmed
What is testicular torsion and it...,
Describe the typical features of ...,
What is the management approach f...
4  cards
What is intussusception and where...,
Who is most commonly affected by ...,
Describe the clinical features of...
6  cards
Migraine diagnostic criteria
What are the international headac...,
What distinguishes migraine with ...,
How do the nice guidelines differ...
3  cards
Hearing tests
What is the otoacoustic emission ...,
What is the auditory brainstem re...,
What is the distraction test and ...
10  cards
infantile colic
What is infantile colic and at wh...,
What is the prevalence of infanti...,
What is the cause of infantile colic
6  cards
Hirschsprung disease passmed
What causes hirschsprung s diseas...,
What is the pathophysiology of hi...,
What are common associations of h...
7  cards
Whooping cough
What is the causative agent of wh...,
How many cases of whooping cough ...,
What are the routine immunization...
19  cards
Turners syndrome
What is turner s syndrome,
How is turner s syndrome denoted ...,
What are common physical features...
18  cards
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
What is acute lymphoblastic leuka...,
How does gender affect the incide...,
What are the hematological featur...
8  cards
innocent murmurs
What are innocent murmurs in chil...,
List types of innocent murmurs he...,
What causes ejection murmurs
9  cards
Nocturnal enuresis
What is enuresis,
How is nocturnal enuresis classified,
What are common underlying causes...
10  cards
Roseala Infantum
What is roseola infantum,
What is the incubation period for...,
What are the primary features of ...
10  cards
What causes acute epiglottitis,
Why has the incidence of acute ep...,
What are the common features of a...
7  cards
Seizures in children
What is benign rolandic epilepsy,
How do seizures in benign rolandi...,
How does an eeg appear for a pati...
7  cards
What are the facial features of d...,
What are some physical features o...,
What are common congenital condit...
8  cards
What are the key management strat...,
What is the purpose of regular ch...,
Why should patients with cystic f...
8  cards
What is considered neonatal hypog...,
Why can normal term babies manage...,
What are some causes of persisten...
12  cards
What is developmental delay,
What are common referral points f...,
What indicates a problem with fin...
9  cards
What is transient tachypnoea of t...,
Why is ttn more common following ...,
What might a chest x ray show in ...
8  cards
What are common causes of stridor...,
What are the features of croup,
What virus is most commonly assoc...
11  cards
What is a thyroglossal cyst and w...,
What characterizes a branchial cy...,
Where are dermoid cysts typically...
9  cards
Pulmonary hypoplasia
Causes of,
What is pulmonary hypoplasia,
You are asked to speak to a famil...
3  cards
What is the main risk associated ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
How is gastroenteritis in childre...
7  cards
What is pyloric stenosis and how ...,
What are the features and typical...,
What is the management for mesent...
12  cards
What is wilms tumour and at what ...,
What are some associations of wil...,
What are the common features of w...
10  cards
What is ebstein s anomaly,
What potential in utero exposure ...,
What are common associations with...
6  cards
Cows milk protein intolerance
What is the prevalence of cow s m...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are common features of cmpi ...
12  cards
What is duchenne muscular dystrophy,
What are the key features of duch...,
How is duchenne muscular dystroph...
8  cards
What are some conditions that do ...,
What is the exclusion period for ...,
What is the exclusion period for ...
13  cards
What are key features of patau sy...,
What are key features of edward s...,
What are key features of fragile ...
10  cards
What is a cephalohaematoma,
What is a common complication of ...,
How long does it typically take f...
6  cards
What is developmental dysplasia o...,
What are the treatment options fo...,
How is perthes disease characteri...
8  cards
What is meckel s diverticulum,
What is the rule of 2s associated...,
What are common presentations of ...
9  cards
What are febrile convulsions,
What are typical clinical feature...,
What defines a simple febrile con...
14  cards
Ambitious genitalia
Basic physiology of ambiguous gen...,
Causes of of ambiguous genitalia ...,
4  cards
What is x linked recessive inheri...,
What is an exception to typical x...,
What is the risk of inheritance f...
10  cards
What is shaken baby syndrome,
Why is the diagnosis of shaken ba...,
What are the typical clinical fea...
6  cards
What is developmental dysplasia o...,
What are the risk factors for ddh,
What are the screening recommenda...
9  cards
What is the prevalence of eczema ...,
What are the features of eczema i...,
How is eczema managed in children
7  cards
What is an umbilical hernia and h...,
What is the typical outcome for a...,
What are some associations with u...
5  cards
What is therapeutic cooling,
What are some uses of therapeutic...,
What is the proven efficacy of th...
11  cards
What is kawasaki disease,
What are the key features of kawa...,
How is kawasaki disease diagnosed
8  cards
What are infantile spasms,
What are the characteristic featu...,
What are common findings on inves...
6  cards
What is hand foot and mouth disease,
What are the clinical features of...,
How is hand foot and mouth diseas...
7  cards
What is congenital diaphragmatic ...,
What causes congenital diaphragma...,
What is the most common type of cdh
6  cards
What is scarlet fever,
How is scarlet fever transmitted,
What are the typical symptoms of ...
9  cards
Diarrhoea_in_Children_Flashcards (1)
What is the main risk associated ...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
How is gastroenteritis in childre...
8  cards
What is croup and what commonly c...,
What is the peak incidence age an...,
What are the clinical features of...
10  cards
What is impetigo and its common c...,
Where on the body does impetigo u...,
What are the typical features of ...
8  cards
What is minimal change disease an...,
What are some identified causes o...,
What is the pathophysiology of mi...
12  cards
newborn resuscitation
Newborn resuscitation algorithm,
A neonate who underwent a traumat...
2  cards
What is chorioamnionitis,
How common is chorioamnionitis in...,
What usually causes chorioamnionitis
9  cards
Immune thrombocytopaenia purpura (ITP)
What is immune or idiopathic thro...,
How does itp in children typicall...,
What are the main features of itp...
10  cards
What is the apgar score used for,
When is the apgar score assessed,
What does a score of 2 for pulse ...
23  cards
What are the key checks during th...,
What infections are checked for d...,
What imaging is used during the a...
19  cards
What are gastroschisis and exomph...,
What is gastroschisis,
What is the management for gastro...
11  cards
What is neonatal sepsis,
How is neonatal sepsis categorized,
What percentage of neonatal morta...
26  cards
How may children disclose abuse,
What factors point towards child ...,
What are some possible physical p...
9  cards
Ophthalmia neonatorum
What is ophthalmia neonatorum,
Responsible organisms,
5  cards
What is the definition of adhd ac...,
How many features of inattention ...,
How many features of inattention ...
18  cards
What is the recommended compressi...,
What is the recommended compressi...,
How does the resuscitation counci...
14  cards
How common is wheeze in pre schoo...,
What is one of the most common di...,
What are the two groups used to c...
13  cards
What is patent ductus arteriosus pda,
How is pda generally classified,
What can uncorrected pda eventual...
15  cards
Developmental_Milestones fine motor and vision
What milestone is expected at 3 m...,
What milestone is expected at 3 m...,
What milestone is expected at 3 m...
27  cards
What is head lice,
What do head lice feed on,
What do head lice eggs look like ...
13  cards
Where is most dna found in the cell,
What does mitochondrial dna encode,
What are the characteristics of m...
11  cards
What is perthes disease,
What causes perthes disease,
Who is more likely to develop per...
15  cards
What is juvenile idiopathic arthr...,
What is pauciarticular jia,
What are the features of pauciart...
6  cards
What are the presenting features ...,
What are the presenting features ...,
What percentage of cystic fibrosi...
6  cards
What gross motor milestone is exp...,
What gross motor milestone is exp...,
What gross motor milestone is exp...
13  cards
What is chondromalacia patellae,
What are the key features of osgo...,
What are the key features of oste...
8  cards
What is rickets,
What are the predisposing factors...,
What are the features of rickets
7  cards

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imperial year 5 specialties - paeds

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