molecular aspects of diabetes & obesity

This class was created by Brainscape user Naveen B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Energy Balance & Body Mass Control Intro (1)
What is energy balance,
What does energy expenditure involve,
When does obesity develop
20  cards
Role of Leptin in Energy Balance (2)
What do satiety signals do,
Is leptin a satiety hormone,
What does leptin deficiency lead to
18  cards
Opposing Roles of Grhelin & Leptin- Role of Gastrointestinal Signalling in Satiety (3/4)
Where is ghrelin synthesised,
Which receptors detect ghrelin,
How does ghrelin signal into cells
15  cards
Endocrine Signalling From Adipose Tissue (5/6)
What is the randle hypothesis,
How does endocrine signalling fro...,
How does fatty acid oxidation inh...
38  cards
The Human Microbiome: Role in Obesity & Diabetes (7/8)
Describe the fibre content of ult...,
Suggest why the same exercise is ...,
What is the gut microbiome
31  cards
Lipid Metabolism Changes in Diabetes & Obesity (13)
What are lipoprotein molecules ma...,
How do the levels of lipoproteins...,
How is hdl synthesis altered in o...
11  cards
Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in Diabetes (14)
What is acute inflammation,
What is chronic inflammation,
Why is there an observed increase...
17  cards
Inflammatory Aspects of Atherosclerosis & Major Blood Vessel Disease (15)
What is atherosclerosis,
How is inflammation involved in a...,
How does monocyte recruitment dif...
13  cards
Diabetes as a Co-morbidity for Infectious Disease (16)
How is mers cov spread,
Severe mers cov is linked to what...,
What steps are involved in a coro...
5  cards

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molecular aspects of diabetes & obesity

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