This class was created by Brainscape user Ruby Armstrong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Third Molars
Give 2 causes of lack of space in...,
What are the top 5 most commonly ...,
Why are lower 8s the most commonl...
33  cards
Where are canines usually etopica...,
When are they usually palpale in ...,
What is beckers pecks theory for ...
9  cards
Assessing difficulty of XLA
What ethnic groups have denser bo...,
What causes abrasion and abfracti...,
What forceps can be useful when d...
13  cards
Impacted Incisors & Premolars
When to investigate unerupted max...,
List causes of delayed eruption,
Where are incisors usually displa...
10  cards
Maxillary Antrum
What does sinusitis pain present ...,
What epithelium are sinuses lined...,
Where does antrum drain
21  cards
Complications in OS
Another name for dry socket what ...,
What causes dry socket,
What drugs risk ds
11  cards
Name 4 conditions that inc bleeding,
Name 2 haematological malignancie...,
Read list of acquired conditions ...
11  cards
What is sepsis,
Give another name for sepsis,
Who are more likely to get sepsis
8  cards
Tooth tissue forceps used for tip...,
Needle holder forceps use mechani...,
Spencer wells use not for jaws
9  cards
Principles of tx planning
What does mos stand for how long ...,
Incision how is scalpel held what...,
What part of blade should be used...
8  cards
Benign mucosal diseases
Give the 7 categories of the surg...,
Name 2 congenital benign mucosal ...,
Give 4 traumatic benign mucosal f...
10  cards
Incising cutting,
Reflecting flap
10  cards

More about
oral surgery

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