This class was created by Brainscape user Jason Fracchia. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Anatomy of Integumentary System
What are the 5 key functions of t...,
What are the 3 layers of the skin...,
Sweat ducts are found in which la...
11  cards
What is a thermal burn,
What is an electrical burn,
What is a chemical burn
29  cards
What is selective debridement wha...,
What is sharp debridement and whe...,
What is enzymatic debridement and...
9  cards
Wound Dressings
What is the difference between a ...,
What are alginate dressings,
When are alginate dressings indic...
21  cards
Integument Pathologies
What is cellulitis what are the s...,
What is contact dermatitis what a...,
What is eczema what are the signs...
8  cards
Body Positioning for Pressure Injuries
What bony prominences can cause p...,
What bony prominences can cause p...,
What bony prominences can cause p...
4  cards
What is an arterial insufficiency...,
What are the general recommendati...,
What monofilament is used to test...
22  cards
What is an abrasion,
What is an avulsion,
What is a laceration
29  cards
Integumentary Terminology
What is serous exudate,
What is sanguineous exudate,
What is serosanguineous exudate
36  cards
Metabolic and Endocrine System Anatomy
What is the purpose of the metabo...,
What is catabolism and anabolism,
What is the purpose of the endocr...
12  cards
Where does every hormone secreted...,
What is the function of growth ho...,
What is the function of growth ho...
31  cards
Metabolic and Endocrine Pathology
What is hypopituitarism,
What is hyperpituatarism,
What is addisons disease what are...
25  cards
Metabolic System Terminology
What is aerobic metabolism,
What is anabolism,
What is anaerobic metabolism
8  cards
Gastrointestinal Anatomy
What are the structures of the up...,
What are the structures of the lo...,
What is the job of the duodenum i...
10  cards
GI System Pathology
What is gastritis what are the tw...,
Which type of gastritis is common...,
What is gastroesophageal reflux d...
13  cards
GI Terminology
20  cards
Genitourinary Anatomy
What muscles make up the pelvic d...,
What structures make up the uroge...,
What structures make up the anal ...
9  cards
Genitourinary Pathology
What is endometriosis what are co...,
What is uterine prolapse what are...,
What is prostatitis what are comm...
18  cards
Genitourinary Terminology
Benign prostatic hypertrophy,
17  cards
What are the 6 major risk factors...,
What cardiac changes can occur wi...,
What pulmonary changes can occur ...
14  cards
What are the 3 main macronutrients,
What type of fat is commonly foun...,
How many essential amino acids ar...
29  cards
How much weight does a women typi...,
What is the hr guideline for preg...,
What is the pelvic floor musculat...
8  cards
Oncology Pathologies
What is metastatic brain cancer,
What is the most common female ma...,
What are the typical signs of bre...
19  cards
Pharmacology- Other Systems
What is enteral administration of...,
What is parenteral administration...,
What are the drawbacks of oral dr...
35  cards
Psychological Disorders
What are affective disorders what...,
What are the characteristics of b...,
What are the characteristics of d...
20  cards
Oncology Terminology
What are the general signs and sy...,
What are the primary prevention s...,
What are the secondary prevention...
22  cards

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other systems npte

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Jason Fracchia's Other Systems NPTE flashcards for their Baylor University class now!

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