This class was created by Brainscape user Veronica Pereira. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

The scientific study of the psych...,
What are the components of the ps...,
With respect to behaviour what is...
26  cards
Quality of Data
What does it mean to call somethi...,
Requires judgment and interpretat...,
Definition of a variable in quant...
21  cards
Four Methods in Personality Psychology
What complications arise concerni...,
What are the four basic types of ...,
Data generated from asking someon...
19  cards
Psychoanalytic Theory
Everything has a cause no free will,
Describe the components of freud ...,
How would freud explain for examp...
26  cards
Neoanalytic Approaches
What is the rationale behind psyc...,
What are three problems with psyc...,
What are three changes neoanalyti...
47  cards
Genetic Components
When you see this study the misun...,
What are three ways in which the ...,
Many genes involved
18  cards
Biological Aspects
Describe naumann et al s 2010 stu...,
What are typical judgements someo...,
Describe the reinforcement sensit...
5  cards
Behaviourist Components
Perspective focusing on only obse...,
Briefly describe pavlov s classic...,
Describe john watson s little alb...
20  cards
Cognitive + Social-Cognitive Approaches
What are the 3 types of memory,
What are the 3 other components o...,
What are the two types of long te...
30  cards
Big 5/Trait Approaches
What is the main contribution of ...,
What are the 3 different approach...,
What is a single trait approach
23  cards
L15 TED Talk
What is the disease model that ps...,
What are the 3 costs of the disea...,
What are the 3 aims of positive p...
3  cards
Person-Situation Interactionist Aspects
Explain walter mischel s perspect...,
What is the modern understanding ...,
What were mischel s four cognitiv...
12  cards

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