This class was created by Brainscape user Keryn Moodley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

1l _ml,
1 ml _ microlitre l
9  cards
Explain the origin and meaning of...,
Plants as drugs
10  cards
L2 what is Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetics adme
15  cards
L3 Drug Absorption
Drug absorption,
Explain what it means that the bo...,
30  cards
L4 Drug Distribution
Drug distribution,
What does it mean if the body is ...,
What can influence drug distribution
37  cards
Drug Metabolism
Drug metabolism,
Drug metabolism does,
Drug metabolism is mediated by wh...
47  cards
Drug Excretion
Drug metabolism,
Drug excretion refers,
Drug metabolism and drug excretion
56  cards
L6 Quantitative Pharmacokinetics
Fu equation gives,
The plasma concentration time cur...,
Routes of administration
38  cards
L7 Intro to drug action
Describe a receptor,
What is pharmacology,
Drug effects result from interact...
53  cards
L8 Receptor and other Drug targets
Most drugs produce their effects ...,
Receptors sub divided into 4 majo...,
How are superfamilies distiguished
43  cards
L9 Desensitisation and Ion Channel Receptors
Tolerance desen
69  cards
L10 G-protein receptor families
0  cards
L12 Nuclear Receptors
Nuclear receptors location and types,
Main effect of stimulation of a n...,
Nuclear receptor subfamiles
43  cards
L13 Adverse Drug reaction
Adverse drug reaction,
Adverse drug,
Adverse drug reaction
57  cards
L14 Intro to toxicology
34  cards
L15 Prenatal Toxicity
Developmental toxicity
35  cards
L16 Target Organ Toxicity
Local toxicity,
Systemic toxicity,
Target organ toxicity
37  cards
L17 Intro to antimicrobial chemotherapy
What to treat syphilis,
39  cards
L18 Antibacterial drugs
Bacterial cell wall,
Glycan aminosugar,
What are the linear strands of tw...
63  cards
L19 Antifungal drugs
List factors that contribute to t...,
Describe the classification of my...,
Most fungal infections are ___ in...
21  cards
L20 Anti-HIV drugs
List important proteins involved ...,
Origin of hiv,
Structure of hiv
4  cards

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  • 15 decks
  • 270 flashcards
  • 1 learners
Decks: What Is Pharmacology, Drug Absorption, Drug Distribution, And more!
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