society and the economy during the early stuarts and english revolution

This class was created by Brainscape user julia solarewicz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

What does the scientific revoluti...,
What did the renaissance lay the ...,
What was a major work of nicolaus...
12  cards
theories on what basis should subjects obey rulers
What notion was being challenged ...,
What was the social contract,
What did the social contract theo...
14  cards
Women and radicalism
How did female quakers shock many...,
Who was dorothy waugh and where w...,
What was dorothy waugh s experien...
33  cards
Increase in population
How much did the population in en...,
What are some factors as to why p...,
When did the black death reach en...
52  cards
Expansion of empire and trade and the changing structure of society
Where was the empire expanding ra...,
How was the east india company im...,
What did the expansion in trade l...
17  cards
early economy
Summarise the patterns of english...,
What was the nature of internal m...,
Why was the performance of the en...
10  cards
Englands commercial revolution and East India company
What lucrative commodities did en...,
What methods were restored to exp...,
What was imported into england be...
36  cards
Navigation acts' role in England's commercial rivalry
By who and when was the first nav...,
What were the purposes of the cla...
29  cards
changes in agriculture
What was enclosure,
What is common land,
What was the situation with land ...
38  cards
banking, insurance and the cloth trade
What did the cloth industry lent ...,
What did weavers of lancashire pr...,
Which areas of the country were c...
21  cards
growth of London, banking and insurance
What did london become in the mid...,
How much did the population of lo...,
How was london ideally placed to ...
61  cards
significance of North America and Jamaica
What way was much of the trade fr...,
When did columbus discover americ...,
What constituted to an atmosphere...
4  cards

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society and the economy during the early stuarts and english revolution

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