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The Patient Y3 semester 1
The Patient Y3 semester 1
By: Grace Barnett
Endocrinology and Hormones, Hormones Structure and Function, Hypothalamic & Pituitary Hormones (plus Pineal gland) ...17Decks533Flashcards3Learners -
Rewired Series featuring Joe Dispenza on Gaia
Rewired Series featuring Joe Dispenza on Gaia
By: Tanner Morrell
S1:Ep13 Blessing of the Energy Centers, S1:1 Introduction to Your Brain, S1:Ep2 What is Change? ...10Decks121Flashcards27Learners -
By: Daniel Aaron
1) Histo of Pituitary, Hypothalamus and Pineal, Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate, Endocrine Pancreas (Lopez) ...14Decks505Flashcards5Learners -
human anatomy and physiology
human anatomy and physiology
By: Erin Harman
organization of the human body, anatomical terms, cell structure and function ...35Decks719Flashcards1Learner -
Digestive System Lec & Lab, Respiratory System Lec & Lab, Urinary System Lec & Lab ...5Decks244Flashcards2Learners -
fisio endocrino
fisio endocrino
By: Leyre Landera Maza
introduccion, hipotalamo - hipofisis, neurohipofisis ...10Decks183Flashcards1Learner -
Endocrine Exam 1
Endocrine Exam 1
By: Gretchen Hackett
Pharmacology 1, Pathology: Pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal gland, Biochem 1: hormone action ...11Decks784Flashcards2Learners -
By: Hannah Herrgesell
Exam 1- kidneys, Exam 2- Gastrointestinal System, Exam 3- Endocrinology Overview ...19Decks1,180Flashcards1Learner -
Sistema endócrino
Sistema endócrino
By: sharon longaray
Hormônios, Hormônios do eixo hipotálamo hipofisário, Hormônios da glândula Pineal ...10Decks58Flashcards2Learners -
A&P part 2
A&P part 2
By: S J.M
A&P PART 3, A&P part 4, A&P part 5 ...13Decks154Flashcards1Learner -
Brain tumours
Brain tumours
By: Adam Wells
Vestibular schwannoma, Glioblastoma multiforme, Meningioma ...5Decks75Flashcards3Learners -
HTHSCI 1D06 Sem 1
HTHSCI 1D06 Sem 1
By: Isobel Speiran
Lecture 2: Tissues & Integument, 1: Introduction to Anatomy (manual), Lecture 3: Homeostasis ...28Decks836Flashcards7Learners -
Endo Final
Endo Final
By: Amir Bhuiyan
BRS, Histology of the Pituitary Hypothalamus and Pineal, Steroid Biosynthesis ...14Decks708Flashcards3Learners -
Endocrine (F&F)
Endocrine (F&F)
By: Danielle Vanbergen
Endocrine Basics, Pituitary and Brain Hormones, Functions of pituitary hormones ...13Decks264Flashcards1Learner -
Unit 5: Path - The Endocrine System
Unit 5: Path - The Endocrine System
By: Paul Shanley
Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Glands ...6Decks199Flashcards2Learners -
Endocrinology Final
Endocrinology Final
By: Kiley McCarthy
Principles of Endocrinology, Principles of Neuroendocrinology, HPA Axis ...13Decks430Flashcards1Learner -
Fisiologia - endócrino
Fisiologia - endócrino
By: Miguel Costa Duarte
Hormônio do crescimento (GH), Tireoide e Paratireoide + Glândula Pineal, Hormônios do tecido adiposo + Hormônios reguladores do apetite e da saciedade ...8Decks224Flashcards3Learners -
Hisotology Final
Hisotology Final
By: ifueko obadiaru
ORAL, Liver, Gall bladder Pancreas ...5Decks293Flashcards1Learner -
T1 - Phase 1 - Integrated (II)
T1 - Phase 1 - Integrated (II)
By: Jason Worley
Pulm/Renal - Biochemistry - The Golgi Apparatus: Mucolipidoses; Glycobiology: Mucopolysaccharidoses & Sphingolipidoses, Pulm/Renal - Biochemistry - Phospholipids, Sphingolipids, Eicosanoids; the Urea Cycle: Hyperammonemias; Nucleotide Metabolism, Pulm/Renal - Biochemistry - Amino Acid Metabolism: Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Porphyrias, Jaundice ...23Decks2,489Flashcards35Learners -
human bio YEAR 12
human bio YEAR 12
By: Molly McCarthy
types of pathogens, compare viruses and bacteria, pathogen transmission ...74Decks766Flashcards2Learners -
The Final Histo Exam
The Final Histo Exam
By: Bryan Edwards
Endocrine -- Pituitary and Pineal, Endocrine -- Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Adrenal, Blood/Hemopoiesis ...5Decks378Flashcards2Learners -
By: Karina Zepeda
Histo 1, Histo 2, Higado ...13Decks353Flashcards2Learners -
Histology Block 3
Histology Block 3
By: Zachary Stielper
Endocrine I: Pituitary, Pineal, and Medulla, Endocrine II: Thyroid, Parathyroid, and Pancreas, Bone ...5Decks176Flashcards3Learners -
By: Jasmine Muse
Hematology/Hematopoiesis, Cardiovascular, Nervous ...9Decks337Flashcards1Learner -
2. Fisiología Humana Segundo Parcial.
2. Fisiología Humana Segundo Parcial.
By: Brainscape Brainscape
Endocrinología, hormonas y su mecanismo de regulación., Clasificación de las hormonas (Estructura Química)., Hipotalamo. ...11Decks122Flashcards7Learners -
The Science of Sleep II
The Science of Sleep II
By: Kevin Bradley
4 - Sleep in Other Species, 5 - Homeostatic and Circadian Mechanisms, 6 - The Pineal Gland and Melatonin ...5Decks222Flashcards5Learners -
Pathology Unit 5
Pathology Unit 5
By: Erin Allmer
Pathoma: Skeletal System, Bone: Anatomy, Formation, Growth Plate Disorders, Maturation Disorders, Bone: Infection & Metabolic bone disease ...18Decks445Flashcards3Learners -
Anatomy 3309 Semester 2
Anatomy 3309 Semester 2
By: Maddie Wong
Skin, Skin Derivatives, Respiratory Passages ...24Decks235Flashcards3Learners -
Neurology - Nihal
Neurology - Nihal
By: nafshe en
Neuroanatomy, Basal ganglia, the Pituitary gland ...31Decks629Flashcards2Learners -
By: Erin Inman
Oral Cavity, Teeth, Upper GI ...11Decks425Flashcards1Learner