Learn Second Year
Study Second Year using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
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AP European History Princeton Review Flashcards
AP European History Princeton Review Flashcards
By: Eric Frankel
Renaissance, The Reformation, Overseas Empires ...33Decks951Flashcards79Learners -
Germany, 1871-1990
Germany, 1871-1990
By: Ross Neale
To what extent were socialists the main threat to German unity 1871-79?, How far did Bismarck succeed in reducing divisions in the New Germany in the years 1871-79?, To what extent did Bismarck successfully achieve his political, goals in the years 1870-79? ...32Decks1,360Flashcards63Learners -
By: Chloe Atkinson
The Second Reich - Constitution, The Second Reich - Economy, The Second Reich - Domestic Policy ...16Decks274Flashcards3Learners -
History - The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007
History - The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007
By: Ally Butterfield
Cons 1951-64: 1 Lab defeat, Con victory 1951, Cons 1951-64: 2 Churchill and Eden govs 1951-7, Cons 1951-64: 3 key debate ...32Decks517Flashcards3Learners -
history Paper 1 Germany And USSR
history Paper 1 Germany And USSR
By: Jude Byrne
Weimar Republic, The leadership struggle 1924-29 / Five year plans, The Establishment Of The Weimar Republic And Its Early Problems ...10Decks191Flashcards4Learners -
Czech Language
Czech Language
By: Dana Sea
Questions, Days, Months ...15Decks500Flashcards3Learners -
Cellular Biology
Cellular Biology
By: Lauren Taylor
Principles of Cellular Architecture, Cell Biology: The First 200 Years, Molecules and Bioenergetics ...23Decks1,252Flashcards5Learners -
Intro to Anthro/Psyc/Soc Grade 11
Intro to Anthro/Psyc/Soc Grade 11
By: Olivia Stibbe
Quiz study for Anthro/psyc/soc beginning of year - sept 23/15, Second Test-- Sociology (Vietnam War) October 30 or Nov 2/15, 3rd Test - focus on psychology aspect3Decks158Flashcards28Learners -
Russian History
Russian History
Russia before 1917 and the fall/demise of Tsardom, The cause and course of WW2 in Russia, Culture and Society ...31Decks1,062Flashcards14Learners -
British Experience of Warfare
British Experience of Warfare
By: Abbie Graves
First Second Year Exam, French Wars Battles, Peninsular Wars ...12Decks284Flashcards8Learners -
AQA A-level Bio + Chem + P.E.
AQA A-level Bio + Chem + P.E.
By: Ewan Turner
Biological Molecules, Atomic Structure, Amount of Substance ...95Decks720Flashcards9Learners -
Germany - 1. Early Years of the Weimar Republic
Germany - 1. Early Years of the Weimar Republic
By: Barney Hennessey
Early Years of the Weimar Republic - Germany Before 1918, Early Years of the Weimar Republic - The Second Reich, Early Years of the Weimar Republic - Why was the Weimar Republic Created? ...11Decks139Flashcards1Learner -
Heat and Flow
Heat and Flow
By: Ewan McBride
1st Year: May exam, 2nd Year Closed/Open Systems, 2nd Year Liquids and Vapours/Entropy/Second Law ...6Decks126Flashcards3Learners -
English Revolution 1625 - 1660
English Revolution 1625 - 1660
By: Annie Tam
The strengths and divisions of Parliamentary opposition, Irish Rebellion October 1641, The origin of the English Civil War Part 1 ...25Decks432Flashcards105Learners -
By: Isabella Jimenez-Laiglesia Trenchard
Latin Stage 1, Cerberus Vocab- Page 6, Mercator ...10Decks335Flashcards2Learners -
Indian Independence 1914-48
Indian Independence 1914-48
By: Keval Savani
Context: India to 1914, The First World War and its impact on British India 1914-20, War And The Growth Of Nationalism ...19Decks510Flashcards8Learners -
GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT LQ2, CHAPTER 6 - Overview and Assessment of Variability, CHAPTER 10 - THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE ...11Decks380Flashcards1Learner -
ancient history
ancient history
By: Mirell Leskov
The Origins of the Civilization of Egypt and Mesopotamia, The Third Millennium (The Early Bronze Age), The Second Millennium (The Middle and Late Bronze Age) ...43Decks523Flashcards79Learners -
Communist China Progression
Communist China Progression
By: George Kyprianou-Hickman
China In 1949, The State of China's Economy in 1949, The New Power Structure ...27Decks348Flashcards5Learners -
China Theme 2
China Theme 2
By: Sophie Claire
Figures For Agriculture Before Communes, First And Second Plan, Famine 1958-62 ...7Decks116Flashcards1Learner -
A2 History Germany Essay Plans
A2 History Germany Essay Plans
By: Richard Waters
How accurate is it to say that the Weimar constitution failed to make a significant change from the previous political system of the Kaiserreich?, How accurate is it to say that the SPD lost the 1949 election due to the leadership of Kurt Schumacher?, “Nazi Consolidation of power in 1933 was primarily due to the use of terror and violence” How far do you agree with this judgement? ...16Decks801Flashcards213Learners -
Internal medicine (small)
Internal medicine (small)
By: Kai Sainsbury
Introduction/approach to kidney disease (Yr4), Thyroid glands, Endocrine pancreas (Yr 4) ...33Decks1,074Flashcards1Learner -
Spanish 2018
Spanish 2018
By: Arielle Nemes
quiz 1/11, body parts quizzes- it does not have the body parts! just the blue box on the first pg and everything on the second, quiz 3/29 the first pg of stores and stuff ...7Decks934Flashcards5Learners -
By: Gillian Miller
Second year, Gill revision2Decks131Flashcards3Learners -
Eighth Grade Social Studies
Eighth Grade Social Studies
By: Morgan Evans
World Leaders, World Religions, Colonies Take Root ...25Decks888Flashcards5Learners -
Mao's China Unit 2
Mao's China Unit 2
By: halima bibi
Lesson 1: How successful was the First Five-Year Plan 1952-56?, Lesson 2: How successful was the Great Leap Forward (Second Five-Year Plan), 1958-62?, Lesson 3: How and why did the system of land ownership change, 1949-57? ...6Decks485Flashcards1Learner -
By: J J
Democracy, Democracy second year2Decks88Flashcards3Learners -
UI REACH Students 2014-2015
UI REACH Students 2014-2015
By: Katelyn Neil
First Year Students, Second Year Students2Decks44Flashcards2Learners -
School 2023
School 2023
By: Tal Baba
איי יפן, Important people in Japanese civilisation, KANJI SEMESTER A ...5Decks125Flashcards1Learner -
History of Rome
History of Rome
By: Xaverie Goodman
Second Triumvirate, Social History, Augustus and the Resettled Roman World ...6Decks51Flashcards1Learner