Scrubbing, Gowning, & Gloving Flashcards
12 Principles of Aseptic Technique
Sterile items used within the sterile field
Sterile persons are gowned & gloved
Tables are sterile only at table level
Sterile persons touch only sterile items or areas
Unsterile persons avoid reaching over the sterile field
The edges of anything that encloses sterile contents are considered unsterile
Sterile field is created right before use
Sterile areas are always kept in view
Sterile persons keep within the sterile area
Sterile persons keep contact with sterile areas to a minimum
Unsterile persons avoid sterile areas
Destruction of integrity of microbial barriers results in contamination
What is considered contaminated?
Sterile package in contaminated area
Uncertain about timing or operation of sterilizer
Unsterile person comes into close contact with sterile table
Sterile table or items not under constant supervision
Integrity of packaging is not intact
Sterile package becomes damp or wet
Sterile package drops on the floor or other areas of questionable cleanliness
Sterile Persons Gowned & Gloved
Self-Downing & gloving
Stockinette cuffs enclosed beneath sterile gloves
Sterile persons keep hands in sight at all times
Hands away from the face, elbows close to sides
Back of gown = contaminated
Gown considered sterile to highest level of the sterile tables
Tables are Sterile Only at the Table Level
Top of sterile, draped table is sterile
Anything falling below the table edge is unsterile
Sterile Persons Touch Only Sterile Items or Areas
Sterile persons maintain contact with sterile field
Unsterile circulator doesn’t contact sterile field directly
Supplies brought to sterile persons by circulator
Unsterile Persons Avoid Reaching Over the Sterile Field
Circulator never reaches over sterile field to transfer sterile items
Only lip of bottle over basin when pouring a solution to avoid reaching over sterile area
Scrub person sets basins/glasses to be filled at edge of sterile table
Edges of Anything that Encloses Sterile Contents are Considered Unsterile
Inside of wrapper considered sterile to within 1 inch of the edges
Sterile persons lift contents from packages
Contents of sterile bottles are used or discarded
Sterile Field is Created as Close as Possible to the Time of Use
Tables set up just prior to procedure
Can not uncover a table of sterile contents without contamination
Covered table not under constant supervision
Sterile Areas are Continuously Kept in View
Sterile persons face sterile areas
Someone must remain in room to maintain direct observation of sterile areas
Sterile Persons Keep Well Within the Sterile Area
Stand back from operating bed when draping patient
Pass each other back to back
Turn backs to an unsterile person or area when passing
Face sterile area to pass it
Ask unsterile individual to step aside rather than risk contamination
Stay within the sterile field
Movement within/around sterile area kept to a minimum
Sterile Persons Keep Contact with Sterile Areas to a Minimum
Do not lean on sterile tables or draped patient
Sitting or leaning against unsterile surface = break in technique
Unsterile Persons Avoid Sterile Areas
Maintain distance of at least 1 foot from any area of sterile field
Face & observe a sterile area when passing to make sure they don’t touch it
Never walk between 2 sterile areas
Circulator restricts to a minimum all activity near the sterile field
Destruction of the Integrity of Microbial Barriers Results in Contamination
Sterile packages laid on dry surfaces only
If sterile package in absorbent material & it’s wet/damp, it’s discarded
Drapes placed on dry field
Sterile items stored in clean, dry areas
Sterile packages handled with clean, dry hands
Define the Surgical Scrub
Process of removing as many microorganisms as possible from the hands & arms by mechanical washing & chemical antisepsis before participating in a surgical procedure
Surgical Scrub Washing Procedure
Wet hands & forearms
Apply antiseptic agent
Wash hands & arms thoroughly to 2” above elbows
Rinse with hands upward
Allow water to drip from flexed elbows
Sterile brush or sponge & apply antiseptic agent
Scrub each finger, nail, & hands
Clean under nails with nail cleaner
Scrub each finger, nail, & hand with brush
Final rinse
Reapply antimicrobial agent & wash hands & arms
Rinse hands & arms
Surgical Scrub Drying Procedure
Pick up towel without dripping on package
Dry both hands & arms separately starting at the hands with different parts of towel
Gowning Technique
Lift folded gown Step away from table Locate neckline Hold inside of gown & allow it to drop Hold hands at should level Put gown on Circulator helps to secure gown Leave hands in cuffs
Gloving by the Closed Glove Technique
Pick up glove by grasping the folded cuff
Place glove on forearm with fingers pointing towards self & thumb down
Turn glove over hand
Pull glove over underlying gown
Adjust gown & glove