Learn Internal And External Factor
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sociology- education
sociology- education
By: Amaia rajan
Theoretical perspectives on education, Class differences in achievement (external factors), Class differences in achievement (internal factors) ...8Decks164Flashcards1Learner -
N5 Buisness
N5 Buisness
By: Ryan Bennie
Understanding Buisness Role Of Business In Society, Understanding Buisness Customer Satisfaction, Understanding Buisness Types Of Buisness Org ...14Decks104Flashcards1Learner -
N5 Business Management
N5 Business Management
By: Nana Dwomoh
UB - Needs/Wants, Goods/Services, Wealth Creation, UB - Skills and Qualities, UB - Factors of Production ...44Decks230Flashcards1Learner -
Business study Year 12
Business study Year 12
By: Liam Rice
M1-Topic 1 Role of Marketing, M1-Topic 2: Marketing Influences part 1 : factors influencing customer choice, consumer law, Topic 2 Marketing Influences part 2 Ethical Influences on Marketing ...33Decks876Flashcards2Learners -
By: Raleena Shirin
Views On Education, Gender gap in achievement, External factors and gender differences ...16Decks65Flashcards1Learner -
Sociology Education Paper 1
Sociology Education Paper 1
By: Uma Agrawal
Class Differences In Acheivement (external Factors), Class Diff In Acheivement (internal), Ethnic Differences In Achievement (external) ...11Decks99Flashcards1Learner -
Business Studies IGCSE
Business Studies IGCSE
By: Nicolo Christie
Unit 1 - Business Activity and Influences on Business ( What is Business Activity), Unit 1 - Business Activity and Influences on Business (Business Objectives)), Unit 1 - Business Activity and Influences on Business ( Sole Traders, Partnerships, Social Enterprises and Franchises) ...28Decks385Flashcards3Learners -
By: Romiqua MONTAQUE
external factors - social class inequalities, internal factors- Social class inequalities, gender and education ...4Decks38Flashcards2Learners -
SOCIOLOGY: Education
SOCIOLOGY: Education
By: Elizabeth Akidi
Class differences in achievement (1) external factors, Class differences in achievement (2) internal factors, Ethnic Differences In Achievement (1) External Factors ...10Decks119Flashcards1Learner -
By: Esme Moran
30 marker plan (Cultural deprivation), Family and Households Booklet 2, Theories of the Family ...11Decks124Flashcards1Learner -
1.4 Managing People
1.4 Managing People
By: Ayub Ali-Hassan
1.4.1 Approaches to staffing (1/3), 1.4.1 Approaches to staffing (2/3) - flexible working, 1.4.1 Approaches to staffing (3/3) ...19Decks181Flashcards5Learners -
By: Eva McLoughlin
Goods/services 1.1, Needs/wants, Factors of Production ...49Decks488Flashcards1Learner -
Organisational Factors
Organisational Factors
By: Ant V
Types of Safety Leadership, Benefits of Effective H&S Leadership, Internal & External Influences ...8Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
sociology education + research methods
sociology education + research methods
By: Liam McNamara
Education external factors - Topic 1, Education Internal factors - Topic 2, Ethinc difference - Topic 3 ...6Decks109Flashcards1Learner -
Nat 5 Business
Nat 5 Business
By: Talia Brady
10) Recruitment process, 2) Sectors Of Industry, 6) External Factors ...37Decks228Flashcards58Learners -
By: Ashkan Rastani
Unit 1 - What is Economics?, Macro 1 - Macroeconomics Indicators and Government Objectives, Micro 2 - Factors of Production and the PPF diagram ...22Decks285Flashcards3Learners -
Sociology - Education
Sociology - Education
By: Aaliyah Rochester
ethnic differences in achievement - cultural deprivation, ethnic differences in achievement - material deprivation, ethnic differences in achievement - institutional racism ...15Decks108Flashcards1Learner -
Sociology Education
Sociology Education
By: Saarah Akhtar
Social Class External - Cultural deprivation, Social Class External - Material deprivation, Social Class External - Cultural Capital ...11Decks106Flashcards1Learner -
Micro - EPD
Micro - EPD
By: Ini Kazeem
All Diagrams (Still in Progress), Explain how a production possibility diagram can be used to illustrate some features of the fundamental economic problem. [15 marks] -, 2.4 - Pros + Cons + Eval - Free Market ...71Decks719Flashcards8Learners -
By: Rachel Brown
Why Is The Birth Rate Falling?, Why Is The Death Rate Falling, Pupil Identities ...22Decks121Flashcards1Learner -
By: evan Grero
Globalization, The importance and growth of multinational companies, International trade and exchange rates ...20Decks166Flashcards1Learner -
By: Jihan Alinazar
1.1 Business objectives, 1.2 Types of organisations, 1.3 Classification of businesses ...10Decks72Flashcards1Learner -
L5 - 2 - Plant Science
L5 - 2 - Plant Science
By: David O'Shea
LO 1.0 - Discuss the Structure and Function of Typical Plant External and Internal Anatomy, Final Exam Revision, LO 1.1 - Cells, Tissues, Ground ...40Decks186Flashcards16Learners -
By: Jonathan Robinson
The Roles and Purpose of Education: Functionalism and New Right, The Roles and Purpose of Education: Marxism, The Roles and Purpose of Education: Social Democratic vs Neo-Liberal ...13Decks102Flashcards1Learner -
iGCSE Business
iGCSE Business
By: Fran Chacon
1. Business Activity And Influences On Business, 2. Business objectives, 3. Sole Traders, partnerships, social enterprises and franchises ...26Decks232Flashcards1Learner -
AQA A Level Sociology (Education)
AQA A Level Sociology (Education)
By: Lewis Coulson
The Roles and Functions of Education, Gender, Ethnicity ...6Decks45Flashcards2Learners -
By: Erin Pickering
place chap56, Forecasting chap10, added value chap60 ...19Decks145Flashcards1Learner -
By: I G
Class differences in achievement - External factors, Internal Class Factors, Gender and Achievement ...4Decks70Flashcards1Learner -
History South Africa
History South Africa
By: fateha chow dhury
Pre Apertheid Segregation Laws, Petty Or Grand Apatheid Laws?, Petty Apartheid Laws ...9Decks63Flashcards4Learners -
By: Olivia Kidd
Topic 1 - Role of Business in Society, Topic 2 - Types of Organisations, Topic 3 - Objectives ...33Decks232Flashcards1Learner