Learn What Is Behaviourism
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Psych 101
Psych 101
By: s b
1.1 Psychology’s Roots: The Path to a Science of Mind, 1.2 The Development of Clinical Psychology, 1.3 The Search for Objective Measurement: Behaviourism Takes Center Stage ...46Decks750Flashcards6Learners -
By: Mackenzie Smith
What is Behavioural Ecology?, Pillars of Behavioural Ecology, Evolution of Sex ...17Decks213Flashcards1Learner -
Intro to Political Science
Intro to Political Science
By: Wendy Ann Naud
1. What is political science?, 2. Democracy, 3. Political preferences and voting behaviour ...13Decks201Flashcards34Learners -
Marketing Fundamentals MM101
Marketing Fundamentals MM101
By: Paul Formica
Topic 2: Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation and Positioning, Topic 1 - What is Marketing?, Topic 3: Planning, Strategy and the Marketing Environment ...10Decks224Flashcards30Learners -
By: Hannah Foley
What is Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Segmentation ...13Decks211Flashcards2Learners -
A HL Economics 2024/2025
A HL Economics 2024/2025
By: Holly Sawyer
What is Economics?, Demand, Demand Elasticity ...19Decks453Flashcards1Learner -
ECON 201
ECON 201
By: Brad H
What is Economics?, The Complexity of Modern Economies, Is There an Alternative to the Market Economy? ...52Decks852Flashcards19Learners -
Semester 1 HS
Semester 1 HS
By: Ruqayyah xx
S1 1 - What is health?, S1 2 - Health behaviours and models, S1 3 - How to promote health ...8Decks125Flashcards55Learners -
Kine 1020
Kine 1020
By: Tivyan Aruneethan
Health and Fitness - What is Health, Health Care and Impacts, Health Care - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Care ...43Decks1,910Flashcards18Learners -
PSYC 211
PSYC 211
By: Iris Noble
Chapter 2: CELLS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, Chapter 2: COMMUNICATION WITHIN A NEURON, Chapter 2: ACTION POTENTIALS ...45Decks1,147Flashcards16Learners -
EC325 Public Economics
EC325 Public Economics
By: T L
1 - What is Public Economics?, 2 - Foundations of welfare and distributional analysis, 3 - Externalities ...21Decks431Flashcards19Learners -
Psychology Year 11
Psychology Year 11
By: Chloe Bellottie
What is Psychology?, Behaviours (Anti and Pro-social), Attraction and Relationships ...10Decks110Flashcards19Learners -
Development and Learning 279
Development and Learning 279
By: Keren Parker
What is educational psychology (lecture 1), Holistic integrated approach, Inclusive education ...17Decks214Flashcards2Learners -
Approaches to Psychology
Approaches to Psychology
By: Kimberley Honey
Lecture 1: Introspectionism & Behaviourism, Lecture 2: Cognitivism & Neuroscience, Lecture 3: Freud & Psychoanalysis ...21Decks359Flashcards123Learners -
PS1816 Intro to Psychopathology
PS1816 Intro to Psychopathology
By: Holly Cresswell
Historical concepts and issues, What is Psychopathology? Classification and Diagnosis, Research Methods in Psychopathology ...9Decks160Flashcards2Learners -
Workplace Psyc306
Workplace Psyc306
By: Bec Anderson
Week 6: Occupational Stress, Week 7: Teamwork and Team Building, Week 8: Individual Attributes and their Effects on Job Performance ...11Decks223Flashcards31Learners -
Unit 1: Psychology IAL
Unit 1: Psychology IAL
By: Dave Buckley
Obedience, Milgram Obedience, Obedience Situation Factors and Culture ...18Decks844Flashcards1Learner -
By: Danė Broodryk
Chapter 0: What is A311 all about, Chapter 1: Actuarial advice, Chapter 2: External environment ...26Decks593Flashcards23Learners -
Economics Definition
Economics Definition
By: Emily Bannister
What is Economics?, Definitions - Micro Economics, Micro Economics - critique of the maximising behaviour of consumers and producers ...8Decks186Flashcards6Learners -
PPS Year 2
PPS Year 2
By: Michelle Esmati
Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Adherence, Clinical and Public Health Aspects of Immunisation, Professional Boundaries ...34Decks460Flashcards36Learners -
Psyc 3500
Psyc 3500
By: Anna Blackmore
What is abnormal psychology and History?, Clinical Research and Methods, Abnormal Psychology Models (Bio and Psycho) ...12Decks289Flashcards1Learner -
Health Psychology
Health Psychology
By: Eliane Mee
Models of Health Behaviour, Obesity, Diet ...10Decks170Flashcards2Learners -
Health & Society
Health & Society
By: Zara Bashir
Roles & responsibilities, What is health?, Background to Health Promotion ...5Decks104Flashcards4Learners -
Livestock production
Livestock production
By: Alex Pearson
Monogastric nutrition, Ruminant nutrition, What is an animal? ...5Decks114Flashcards2Learners -
Ỉn's class
Ỉn's class
By: Anna Phi
Destination - Unit 3: Vocabulary, Collocation - Unit 1: What is a collocation?, Destination - Unit 6: Vocabulary ...20Decks412Flashcards3Learners -
Business Studies A2 Levels
Business Studies A2 Levels
By: Misha Hoang
UNIT 1. Chapter 2. Business Structure, UNIT 1. Chapter 3. Size of business, UNIT 1. Chapter 6. External influences on business acitivity ...22Decks448Flashcards232Learners -
Religious experience
Religious experience
By: Poppy Luck
What is meant by religious experience?, DEFINITIONS OF GOD/ULTIMATE REALITY, Conversion Experiences/Scholars ...10Decks140Flashcards14Learners -
COMM 211
COMM 211
By: Brad H
1.1: What is Globalization?, 1.2: The Emergence of Global Institutions, 1.3 and 1.4 ...67Decks1,318Flashcards5Learners -
Actuarial Practice
Actuarial Practice
By: Ioanna Stylianou
CH0 - What is subject CP1 all about, CH1 - Actuarial advice, CH2 - External environment ...40Decks805Flashcards57Learners -
Politics (Mr Brown)
Politics (Mr Brown)
By: Gabe McAlinden
Direct Democracy, Representative democracy, What is politics? ...66Decks1,891Flashcards5Learners