16 Respiratory Failure Flashcards
Oxygenation failure
- Occurs when…
- Can be caused by…
- PAO2 and A-a gradient
- PaCO2
- Causes of hypercapnia
- Occurs when…
- Lung disease causes a drop in the PaO2 and arterial hemoglobin saturation (SaO2)
- This may result from the generation of abnormal V/Q ratios (including intra-pulmonary shunting) and/or the impairment of gas diffusion
- Can be caused by…
- Any lung disease, regardless of whether it primarily affects the airways, the lung parenchyma, or the pulmonary circulation
- PAO2 and A-a gradient
- Since lung disease does not alter any of the components of the alveolar gas equation, the calculated PAO2 is unchanged and the A-a gradient increases
- PaCO2
- In patients with oxygenation failure, an appropriate increase in VE mediated by central chemoreceptors maintains a normal PaCO2
- Causes of hypercapnia
- Abnormal degree of V/Q mismatching
- Diffusion impairment
Ventilation failure
- Occurs when…
- PaCO2 vs. VCO2, VE, and VD
- Occurs when…
- Neuromuscular or chest wall disease causes a primary drop in VE that prevents the respiratory system from maintaining a normal PaCO2
- PaCO2 vs. VCO2, VE, and VD
- PaCO2 α VCO2 / (VE – VD)
- For a given level of CO2 production (VCO2) and dead space ventilation (VD), PaCO2 varies inversely with VE
- As VE falls, PaCO2 rises
Ventilation failure
- Minute ventilation
- Inadequate VE can also be caused by…
- Minute ventilation
- Product of respiratory rate and tidal volume
- Can be reduced by any disease that…
- Decreases central respiratory drive
- Interferes with the transmission of neural signals from the brain to the respiratory muscles
- Reduces respiratory muscle strength
- Inadequate VE can also be caused by…
- Disorders such as morbid obesity and severe kyphoscoliosis, which markedly reduce chest wall compliance and increase the pressure that must be generated by the respiratory muscles
Ventilation failure
- The diseases that precipitate ventilation failure
- PaO2 vs. PaCO2
- A-a gradient
- The diseases that precipitate ventilation failure
- Do not affect the lungs themselves
- Do not alter V/Q ratios or gas diffusion
- PaO2 vs. PaCO2
- This means that the average alveolar PO2 (PAO2) and the measured PaO2 fall together with the rise in PaCO2, as predicted by the alveolar gas equation
- PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) x FIO2 – PACO2 / R
- A-a gradient
- Since the PAO2 and PaO2 decrease by the same amount, ventilation failure does not change the difference between them (the A-a gradient)
Oxygenation-ventilation failure
- This type of respiratory failure
- Pathophysiology
- Causes
- This type of respiratory failure
- Combines the features of oxygenation and ventilation failure
- Pathophysiology
- Largely the same as for pure oxygenation failure
- The difference is that the underlying lung disease causes such a profound abnormality in lung compliance and/or resistance that the respiratory system either…
- Cannot maintain a normal VE
- Cannot increase VE to compensate for the increased dead space ventilation produced by V/Q mismatching
- Causes
- Any disease causing oxygenation failure can also cause oxygenation-ventilation failure
- The most common causes
- Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
- Severe acute asthma
Management of respiratory failure
- Establish a patent airway
- This can usually be accomplished by appropriate head positioning or insertion of an oral or nasal airway
- Endotracheal intubation may be required
- Maintain adequate oxygenation
- Supplemental oxygen is administered to keep the SaO2 > 90%
- Maintain sufficient ventilation
- Ventilation must be maintained at a level that provides a safe arterial pH
- If necessary, spontaneous breathing can be assisted by mechanical ventilation
- Treat the underlying cause of respiratory failure
Oxygen therapy
- Supplemental oxygen delivery systems can be divided into two groups
- Group 1
- Group 2
- Supplemental oxygen delivery systems can be divided into two groups
- Group 1: those that deliver a fractional oxygen concentration (FO2) of 1.0
- Group 2: those that deliver a variable, clinician-set FO2
- Group 1: those that deliver a fractional oxygen concentration (FO2) of 1.0
- Includes nasal cannulae, simple masks, and non-rebreather masks
- Group 2: those that deliver a variable, clinician-set FO2
- Includes venturi masks and aerosol masks
- Devices use a jet of pressurized O2 to entrain sufficient room air (venturi effect) to deliver the selected FO2 to the patient
- The lower the selected FO2, the more air is entrained, and the higher the total flow delivered to the patient
- Venturi masks deliver an FO2 between 0.28 and 0.50
- Aerosol masks usually deliver an FO2 between 0.35 and 1.0
Oxygen therapy
- Regardless of the device used, the fractional concentration of inspired oxygen (FIO2), i.e. the FO2 of the gas reaching the patient’s lungs, depends on…
- The FO2 being delivered to the patient
- The flow rate of the delivered gas
- The patient’s spontaneous inspiratory flow rate
- The more the patient’s inspiratory flow rate exceeds the delivered flow,…
- The more room air will enter the lungs
- The lower the actual FIO2 will be
- For example, if 100% O2 is being delivered at 12 LPM to a patient with an inspiratory flow of 100 LPM,…
- 88 LPM of room air must enter the patient’s lungs, thereby significantly lowering the FIO2
Oxygen therapy
- Although FIO2 is an important determinant of arterial PO2, the effectiveness of supplemental oxygen also depends on…
- The relationship between FIO2 and the resulting PaO2 varies with…
- Even with severe V/Q imbalance, PaO2…
- Shunt causes…
- Based on Figures 1 and 2 and the knowledge that most patients have a combination of V/Q inequality, diffusion impairment, and shunt, it should be evident that…
- Although FIO2 is an important determinant of arterial PO2, the effectiveness of supplemental oxygen also depends on…
- The type and severity of the gas exchange abnormality
- The relationship between FIO2 and the resulting PaO2 varies with…
- The severity of the V/Q inequality
- Even with severe V/Q imbalance, PaO2…
- Increases appropriately when the FIO2 is high
- This is because even very poorly ventilated alveoli fill with oxygen
- Shunt, on the other hand, causes…
- A more linear relationship between FIO2 and PaO2
- A significant shunt causes refractory hypoxemia because a large proportion of alveoli are totally unventilated (rather than just poorly ventilated)
- Based on Figures 1 and 2 and the knowledge that most patients have a combination of V/Q inequality, diffusion impairment, and shunt, it should be evident that…
- It is impossible to accurately predict how much the PaO2 will change with an increase (or decrease) in FIO2

Oxygen therapy
- PAO2 and PA-aO2 vs. FIO2
- PAO2 and PA-aO2 vs. FIO2
- Since PAO2 must increase linearly with FIO2 (remember the alveolar gas equation), it should also be evident that the PA-aO2 will change with FIO2
- Figure 3 illustrates this relationship in the presence of varying V/Q inequality

Mechanical ventilation
- The main indications for mechanical ventilation
- “Invasive” ventilation
- “Non-invasive” ventilation
- The main indications for mechanical ventilation
- Significant respiratory acidosis resulting from an acute increase in PaCO2
- Impending ventilation failure
- Arterial hypoxemia that is refractory to supplemental oxygen
- “Invasive” ventilation
- Mechanical ventilation is most commonly provided following endotracheal intubation
- “Non-invasive” ventilation
- May be achieved by connecting the patient to a ventilator using a tight-fitting nasal or oral-nasal mask
Modes of mechanical ventilation:
Assist-control ventilatoin (A/C)
- General
- Volume
- Most commonly used mode
Volume set mode
- A physician-selected tidal volume is delivered during each mechanical breath
- Provides a physician-set, mandatory number of mechanical breaths each minute
- The patient is guaranteed to receive a minute ventilation equal to the product of the set tidal volume and the set respiratory rate
- Because of this feature, A/C is used to support critically ill patients with acute respiratory failure
- Although A/C provides a guaranteed respiratory rate, the total rate is determined by the patient
- This is because the ventilator provides a mechanical breath every time the patient makes an inspiratory effort
Pressure-variable mode
- Airway pressure (Paw) progressively increases, and a maximum or peak pressure is reached at the end of inspiration
- At each point in time, the pressure generated by the ventilator is used to overcome both the viscous forces and the elastic recoil of the respiratory system
- For the same set tidal volume, therefore, airway pressure may vary dramatically between patients

Mechanical ventilation and oxygenation failure:
Pressure support ventilation (PSV)
- General
- Pressure
- Volume
- A second, commonly used mode of mechanical ventilation
- Pressure
- On PSV, the physician selects a “pressure support level”
- This is the pressure (in cmH2O) that will be maintained in the ventilator circuit and the lungs throughout inspiration
- PSV, therefore, is a pressure-set mode of ventilation
- Airway pressure is kept at a set, constant level rather than increasing throughout inspiration as it does in A/C
- On PSV, the physician selects a “pressure support level”
- Volume
- If pressure is set, volume cannot be, and PSV is a volume-variable mode

Mechanical ventilation and oxygenation failure:
Pressure support ventilation (PSV):
Three factors that determine the tidal volume delivered during a pressure support breath
- The selected level of pressure
- The compliance of the respiratory system
- The amount of inspiratory effort exerted by the patient
- Most important factor
- Flow must initially be high to rapidly increase airway pressure to the selected level
- Once the set pressure has been reached, the ventilator provides sufficient flow to maintain it

Mechanical ventilation and oxygenation failure:
Pressure support ventilation (PSV)
- If the patient makes little inspiratory effort,…
- If the patient actively inspires,…
- If the patient makes little inspiratory effort,…
- Flow will fall exponentially
- Inspiratory time will be short
- Tidal volume will be relatively small
- If the patient actively inspires, however,…
- The ventilator, in order to maintain a constant airway pressure, must increase both flow and inspiratory time to match the demands of the patient
- This causes tidal volume to increase

Mechanical ventilation and oxygenation failure:
Pressure support ventilation (PSV)
- Advantages of PSV over A/C
- Disadvantages of PSV
- Because of these features, PSV is rarely used in patients with…
- Advantages of PSV over A/C
- PSV allows the patient to control both tidal volume and the rate of inspiratory flow
- This is why most patients find PSV much more comfortable than A/C, which gives the patient no control over volume or flow rate
- Disadvantages of PSV
- Since tidal volume is, in part, effort-dependent, it may vary greatly from minute to minute in critically ill patients
- During PSV there are no set or mandatory breaths
- Every breath must be initiated by patient effort
- If the patient does not trigger the ventilator, no breaths will be given
- Because of these features, PSV is rarely used in patients with…
- Acute respiratory failure
- Instead it is usually used to determine whether a patient is able to breathe without assistance from the ventilator

Mechanical ventilation and oxygenation failure
- Intubation and mechanical ventilation
- Closed systems
- Open systems
- With these devices, room air…
- Mechanical ventilators can reliably deliver…
- Intubation and mechanical ventilation
- Can also be used to treat patients with oxygenation failure
- Closed systems
- The ventilator-patient system is closed to the outside atmosphere
- This means that all of the gas inspired by the patient has the FO2 set on the ventilator
- Open systems
- This is in contrast to open systems such as a nasal cannula and aerosol mask
- With these devices, room air…
- Is entrained to a variable degree, so the FIO2 is always less than the FO2 delivered to the patient
- Mechanical ventilators can reliably deliver…
- Any FO2 between 0.21 and 1.0
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- What happens during inspiration in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
- Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- Physiologic effects
- These two changes are responsible for…
- What happens during inspiration in patients receiving mechanical ventilation
- Airway pressure falls to zero (atmospheric pressure) once inspiration ends
- In these examples, airway pressure is positive only during inspiration
- Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- The mechanical ventilator can also be set to provide positive pressure during expiration
- Physiologic effects
- Increases the volume remaining in the lungs at end-expiration
- The point at which the elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall are balanced and that airway and alveolar pressure at FRC are normally zero
- Positive alveolar pressure at the end of expiration
- Must increase the volume of gas in the lungs
- The increase in alveolar pressure causes pleural pressure to increase
- Increases the volume remaining in the lungs at end-expiration
- These two changes are responsible for…
- Both the good and bad effects of PEEP

Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
- In patients with extensive airspace (alveolar) filling (e.g. ARDS), the increase in FRC…
- High levels of PEEP may cause…
- PEEP vs. cardiac output
- Blood flow to the right atrium is determined by…
- By increasing pleural pressure, PEEP…
- Remember that the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues is dependent both on…
- In patients with extensive airspace (alveolar) filling (e.g. ARDS), the increase in FRC…
- Prevents the collapse of alveoli that were opened during positive pressure inflation
- This reduces the volume of blood shunted through unventilated alveoli and improves PaO2
- On the other hand, high levels of PEEP may cause…
- Over-distention and rupture of alveoli resulting in extra-alveolar air (commonly referred to as “barotrauma”) or worsening alveolar edema
- PEEP vs.cardiac output
- PEEP may also decrease cardiac output
- Blood flow to the right atrium is determined by…
- The gradient between systemic venous pressure and right atrial pressure.
- By increasing pleural pressure, PEEP…
- Increases the pressure in the right atrium, thereby reducing the gradient for venous return
- This may, in turn, decrease the output of the right (and left) ventricles
- Remember that the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues is dependent both on…
- The saturation of hemoglobin (SaO2)
- The cardiac output
- PEEP may improve PaO2 and SaO2 but will cause tissue oxygen delivery to fall if it causes a significant drop in cardiac output