4 Lab: Normal Histology of the Lung Parenchyma, Airways, & Blood Vessels Flashcards

- Trachea
- Longitudinal section of trachea
- Note the four layers
- Mucosa (epithelium and lamina propria)
- Submucosa (with glands and large blood vessels)
- Cartilage rings
- Skeletal muscle
- The structure of the trachea is maintained by C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage seen as ovals in longitudinal sections
- The submucosal glands are particularly obvious

- Trachea
- Longitudinal section
- The structure of the trachea is maintained by C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilage seen as ovals in longitudinal sections
- The submucosal glands are particularly obvious

- Trachea
- Cross-section
- Identify mucosa, submucosa, cartilage & adventitia
- Note trachealis muscule at posterior aspect
- The structure of the trachea is maintained as a plate in true cross sections
- Illustrates the trachealis muscle joining the ends of the cartilage “C”

- Trachea
- Cross-section
- Note cartilage ring and trachealis muscle
- The structure of the trachea is maintained as a plate in true cross sections
- Illustrates the trachealis muscle joining the ends of the cartilage “C”

- Trachea
- The “respiratory epithelium” is a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells and cilia
- In this slide, the trachea has
- A fairly thick basement membrane, which thickens during chronic asthma
- Normally, the basement membrane is only visible in electron microscopy
- A thin, dense lamina propria
- A fairly thick basement membrane, which thickens during chronic asthma
- The submucosa has glands and a lymphocyte cluster
- The cartilage rings are hyaline cartilage with a perichondrium
- Identify…
- The pseudostratified columnar epithelium
- The goblet cells and cilia are not clearly seen in this thick section
- A narrow lamina propria
- Submucosal glands, blood vessels and lymphocytes
- The hyaline cartilage
- The pseudostratified columnar epithelium

- Trachea
- In this tracheal section, the denser lamina propria is easily distinguished from the submucosa with seromucous glands
- Easier to distinguish the lamina propria from submucosal structures

- Trachea
- Seromucous glands of the submucosa release their secretions via ducts (through the denser lamina propria), and eventually onto the respiratory epithelium
- Mucus and cilia combine to create the mucociliary escalator to trap and remove particulates from air in the conducting airways
- Follows the path of a mucus secreting submucosal gland, to its duct passing through the lamina propria, on its way to the epithelium and tracheal lumen

- Trachea, respiratory epithelium
- The “respiratory epithelium” of the trachea is really a misnomer as no respiration or gas exchange occurs here
- Histologically, it is classified as a pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia and goblet cells
- While goblet cells are not obvious in this fairly thick section, the cilia are clearly identified because they are longer than the width of a nucleus, clumped and marked by a row of basal bodies in the apical cytoplasm
- How you can tell this epithelium has cilia & not microvilli
- Darkly stained row of basal bodies

- Trachea & esophagus
- The trachea lies anterior to the esophagus
- The trachea (right) requires cartilage rings to prevent collapse during inspiration and is well vascularized to warm the passing air
- The esophagus (left) is lined by a thicker stratified squamous epithelium designed to withstand friction of swallowed food, and a thick muscular tunic to propel the bolus

- Bronchus
- Irregular cartilage patches characterize the bronchi
- Progressing to smaller bronchi, the amount of cartilage will diminish, the amount of smooth muscle will increase
- The epithelium is a low pseudostratified columnar, still with cilia and goblet cells
- Seromucous glands are present in the submucosa
- At the top are two blood vessels: a thicker walled bronchial artery and a thin walled pulmonary artery
- To the far left and far right are two bronchioles
- A bronchus is characterized by patches of cartilage, gradually replaced by smooth muscle

- Bronchus
- Low pseudostratified “respiratory epithelium” with cilia & goblet cells
- Submucosa with seromucous glands and a few small clusters of smooth muscle
- Irregular cartilage patches
- Adventitia with blood vessels: a thin walled pulmonary artery & thicker walled bronchial artery
- Both these vessels travel with the arborizing conducting airways
- Submucosal seromucous glands are seen that secrete onto the luminal surface
- The respiratory epithelium is a lower pseudostratified columnar than the trachea
- Accompanying the bronchus are a branch of both the pulmonary artery (thinner wall) and the bronchial artery (thicker wall of a systemic muscular artery)

- Bronchus
- Good close up of a bronchus
- What would distinguish this slide from a close up of the trachea?
- The smooth muscle lying at the interface of the lamina propria & the submucosa
- Submucosal seromucous glands are seen that secrete onto the luminal surface
- The respiratory epithelium is a lower pseudostratified columnar than the trachea
- Goblet cells and cilia are present indicating an active mucociliary escalator in the bronchi
- Scattered patches of smooth muscle are seen beneath a thin lamina propria
- The smooth muscle will become a complete circle in the smaller branching of bronchi
- Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system will contract the smooth muscle

- (Preterminal ) Bronchiole
- Bronchiole - Verhoeff’s stain
- Classic bronchiole with a continuous tunic of smooth muscle (and no cartilage)
- Lingering submucosal glands indicate the probably persistence of a few ciliated cells for mucus transport
- These will rapidly disappear from bronchioles
- Note the presence of black staining elastin, which is an increasing component of the lamina propria from the bronchioles through the alveoli
- Note, that often these largest bronchioles are simply called bronchioles (without the “preterminal” designation)
- The epithelium is simple columnar with a few clear goblet cells and probable cilia
- A complete ring of smooth muscle is the clear diagnostic feature here
- There is no cartilage, but seromucous glands persist in the submucosal layer
- Note that this slide is stained with Verhoeff’s to emphasize the elastin component

- Terminal Bronchioles
- Bronchioles at bifurcation point
- Usually bronchioles are distinguished by their LACK of cartilage
- Do be aware though, that small pieces may persist at bifurcation points
- The most important positive diagnostic of a bronchiole is the folded appearance of the simple cuboidal epithelium due to a continuous tunic of smooth muscle
- The complete ring of smooth muscle contracts as it is fixed resulting in a highly folded lumen, which makes a bronchiole easy to identify
- The blood vessel in the upper right-hand corner is a thinner walled pulmonary vein (travels independently of the respiratory tree), while at “6 o’clock” is a thicker walled bronchial artery
- At “10 o’clock” is a thinner walled pulmonary artery
- The bronchial arteries only accompany conducting airways, until alveoli begin to bud from the respiratory bronchioles
- Lingering support of cartilage and submucosal glands at the split, but none around the bronchioles themselves
- Epithelium is simple cuboidal with no clearly discernable goblet cells

- Terminal Bronchioles
- Simple cuboidal epithelium, with few/no goblet cells or cilia
- The tunic of smooth muscle contracts giving a folded appearance to the epithelium
- Cells in the lumen are alveolar macrophages moving by amoeboid action to a bronchus where they can be carried up to the esophagus by the mucociliary escalator
- The cartilage and cluster of submucosal glands are remnants of an earlier bronchial segment that linger into this branch point
- Lingering support of cartilage and submucosal glands at the split, but none around the bronchioles themselves
- Epithelium is simple cuboidal with no clearly discernable goblet cells

- Terminal Bronchiole, Respiratory Bronchiole, Alveolar Duct & Sac, Alveoli
- (Diagonal from lower right)
- Terminal bronchiole
- Respiratory bronchiole
- Alveolar duct
- Alveolar sacs
- Branching into alveoli
- Focus ont he numerous alveoli in this low power view of the lung parenchyma

- Terminal Bronchiole (lower right) to Respiratory Bronchiole (upper left)
Terminal bronchiole
- Last portion of the conducting airways
- Simple cuboidal epithelium, with no goblet cells or ciliated cells (80% replaced by Clara cells)
- Clara cells are distinguished only in EM
- Patches of smooth muscle
- A complete ring of smooth muscle produces a folded epithelium
- No cartilage or submucosal glands
- As soon as alveolar outpocketings interrupt, the airway is called a respiratory bronchiole
- The first of the respiratory airways for actual gas exchange
- There are three levels of bifurcations in the respiratory bronchioles, each with progressively less and less smooth muscle
- The blood vessel is a pulmonary artery
- The deepest level that the bronchial arteries penetrate is to the terminal bronchioles
- Single alveolar outpockets interrupt a wall whose structure is otherwise similar to the terminal bronchiole
- Note the minimal blue-staining collagenous connective tissue (Mallory stain) and the alveolar macrophages in the bronchiole lumen

- Respiratory Bronchiole
- Verhoeff stain
- This elastin stain emphasizes the importance of the elastic component in the lamin propria/ interstitial area of the lung acinus
- Elastin increases in the lower conducting airways and in the true respiratory portions of the lung
- The acinar unit passively recoils after inspiration, decreasing the need for a forced muscular expiration
- Diseases that compromise elastin, such as emphysema, have substantial effects on the ability of the lung to recoil after inhalation

- Lung Alveoli
- The attenuated lung epithelial cells, the type I pneumocytes, line 97% of the alveolar surfaces that face the air
- Capillary endothelial cells are found in the center of the alveolar septal walls
- Interstital cells occupy the thicker angular wedges of the alveoli
- Alveoli branch out from the alveolar duct
- Alveolar walls are built of ccapillaries coated by type I pneumocytes

- Lung Alveoli
- Alveoli (L19 & 20) branch out from the alveolar duct
- Alveolar walls are built of ccapillaries coated by type I pneumocytes

- Alveolar Macrophages
- Macrophages migrate freely in the airspace of the lungs
- These are from a smoker and have been given an undigestible “meal” of tar
- These macrophages have ingested cigarette tar
- Note the tar deposits in the wedges of interstitial tissue as well
- The black patches are tar; this slide was not stained with Verhoeff’s
- Since there are no lysosomal enzymes for digestion of the tar, residual bodies accumulate
- The amoeboid macrophages migrate up to the preterminal bronchioles and bronchi where they are cleared by the mucociliary escalator
- Macrophages also exit the lung via the minimal lymphatic drainage
- The life span of an alveolar macrophage is about 24 hours

- Type I Pneumocyte
- A transmission electron micrograph is necessary to visualize the gas diffusion barrier of the alveolus
- The capillary lumen is identified by the presence of two RBCs, another cell (WBC) and precipitated plasma proteins
- The air space is above & below
- The walls of the lung alveoli are composed of two cell types, type I and
type II pneumocytes - Type I pneumocytes are a thin attenuated cells that face the air space and are limited at their base by a basement membrane shared with the endothelial cells of alveolar capillaries
- Type I pneumocytes form a portion of the gas diffusion barrier (from blood to air):
- Red blood cell plasma membrane
- Blood plasma
- Endothelial cell (continuous)
- Basement membrane
- Type I pneumocyte
- Surfactant
- Air

- Respiratory Barrier
- The barrier for the diffusion of gases (from RBC to air sac)
- RBC PM (red)
- Plasma
- Capillary endothelial cell (pink)
- Basement membrane (green)
- Type I pneumocyte (blue)
- Surfactant (not visualized in this photo)
- The walls of the lung alveoli are composed of two cell types, type I and
type II pneumocytes - Type I pneumocytes are a thin attenuated cells that face the air space and are limited at their base by a basement membrane shared with the endothelial cells of alveolar capillaries
- Type I pneumocytes form a portion of the gas diffusion barrier (from blood to air):
- Red blood cell plasma membrane
- Blood plasma
- Endothelial cell (continuous)
- Basement membrane
- Type I pneumocyte
- Surfactant
- Air

- Type II Pneumocyte
- The epithelium of the alveolus is not only composed of type I pneumocytes, but type II pneumocytes as well
- The type II pneumocyte seen here is easily identified by the lamellar granules of surfactant
- As a TEM artifact, the lipid components of the surfactant aggregate into sheets upon processing
- Lung surfactant lowers the surface tension to allow for easier expansion of the air sacs
- Type II pneumocytes are rounded cells in the same sheet of epithelium as the type I cells
- Lamellar granules in the cytoplasm contain surfactant proteins and lipids that are secreted into the alveolar space and form a coat on the outer aspects of both the type I and type II pneumocytes
- Lung surfactant lowers the surface tension to allow for easier expansion of the air sacs
- Surfactant is composed of 50% cholesterol, 40% phospholipid dipalmitoyl- phosphotidylcholine (DPPC) and 10% proteins
- There are four surfactant proteins: SP- A, B, C and D
- SP-A and SP-B have carbohydrate recognition receptors that bind bacteria and aid in the activation of alveolar macrophages
- SP-B and SPC are hydrophobic proteins that stabilize the surfactant/air interface
- Type II pneumocytes can also undergo mitosis and differentiate into both new type I or type II cells