Learn Social 20 1
Study Social 20 1 using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun!
Brainscape Certified flashcards
User Generated flashcards
By: Mila Stewart
Lecture 1: Beginning of the world, lecture 2: how not to get told off pt 1, lecture 3: how not to get told off pt 2 ...23Decks342Flashcards1Learner -
Auxiliar. Grupo II
Auxiliar. Grupo II
By: José Vicente Catalán
1.- Historia de las bibliotecas en España, con especial referencia a la Comunidad de Madrid. La Biblioteca Nacional. La Biblioteca Regional Joaquín Leguina., 2. Concepto y función de los servicios bibliotecarios. Clases de bibliotecas., 3.- La biblioteca pública: Concepto, funciones y servicios ...21Decks428Flashcards256Learners -
Stage 3 - Case 1 (Pain)
Stage 3 - Case 1 (Pain)
By: Thasfi Islam
Lecture 1 & 2 : Organisation Of The Nervous System + CNS Structure, Lecture 3: Neuronal Signalling In The Context Of CNS Disorders, Lecture 4: Complex Pharmaceutical Care Planning ...13Decks376Flashcards1Learner -
By: Prabhbeer Dhaliwal
Unit 1 - The Capitalist Revolution, Unit 2 - Technology, Population and Growth, Unit 3 - Scarcity, Work and Choice ...19Decks259Flashcards4Learners -
MTEL History
MTEL History
By: Katherine Neff
1) Political, economic, and cultural features of Native American societies, 2) European Exploration, Immigration, and Settlement of N. America, 3) Regional Divisions of England's N. American Colonies ...35Decks380Flashcards16Learners -
By: Kieran McKeown
Topic 1: Retail banking customers, Topic 2: Customer segments + service delivery expectations, Topic 3: Customers in a digital age ...23Decks152Flashcards14Learners -
Philosophy of Psychology
Philosophy of Psychology
By: Juliana Hooper
Mind and Cognition: Ch. 6 and 8, Hacking Ch. 1-4, Ch. 5: Introduction to Philosophy of Mind ...11Decks154Flashcards2Learners -
Captain Test 2024 SOP
Captain Test 2024 SOP
By: Jeremiah Omoto
ADM 2-0 Written Policies & Communications, ADM 3-2 Injury/illness reporting procedures, ADM 3-2-2 Sick Leave Procedures ...45Decks300Flashcards2Learners -
By: lizzy kennedy
Chapter 1: People in Business, Chapter 2: Consumer Conflicts, Chapter 3 : Industrial Relations ...22Decks329Flashcards2Learners -
consumer behavior
consumer behavior
By: Phuong Nguyen
chap 1: consumer bahavior and marketing strategy ( slide 6,7,10,11), chap 1: slide 13,14, chap 1: slide 17,18 ...12Decks181Flashcards1Learner -
Dangerous World Lecture Slides
Dangerous World Lecture Slides
By: Kieran Busby
Lecture 1: Introduction, Lecture 2: Magnitude, frequency and long term view, Lecture 3: Risk, Vulnerability, Sustainability ...20Decks377Flashcards2Learners -
QI/DP question non connue
QI/DP question non connue
Item 1 : Relation médecin-malade, Item 2 : Les valeurs professionnelles des métiers de la santé, Item 3 : Le raisonnement et la décision en médecine ...334Decks10,130Flashcards3Learners -
By: Tarifa Lambert
20. Policies towards the Jews, 1940-41, 18. Policies towards the Jews, 1933-37, 1. The impact of war ...5Decks69Flashcards1Learner -
ES194: Introduction to Engineering Business Management
ES194: Introduction to Engineering Business Management
By: Noor Yousuf
Chapter 1 - What is the Business Environment?, Chapter 2 - Planning and Strategic Management, Chapter 3 - Marketing ...26Decks271Flashcards1Learner -
iGCSE Business
iGCSE Business
By: Fran Chacon
1. Business Activity And Influences On Business, 2. Business objectives, 3. Sole Traders, partnerships, social enterprises and franchises ...26Decks232Flashcards1Learner -
International Relations - PFP
International Relations - PFP
By: Paul-François Polidori
0 - From International Politics to World Politics, 1 - Globalization and Global Politics, 2 - The Rise of Modern International Order ...25Decks15Flashcards2Learners -
De sociaal werker
De sociaal werker
By: Sydney Leerkes
Thema 1: Sociaal-maatschappelijke vraagstukken in perspectief, Thema 2: Ontwikkelingen in het werkveld, Thema 3: Burgerschap en participatie ...29Decks107Flashcards1Learner -
Careers in Psychology
Careers in Psychology
By: Amelia Ennis
Lecture 1 - Career management, Lecture 2 - Goals, Experience and Networking, Lecture 3 - Emotional intelligence and people skills ...20Decks282Flashcards1Learner -
Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychology
By: Zita van Ballegooijen
Ch 1: How has clinical neuropsychology evolved?, Ch 2: How does neuropsychology work in practice, Ch. 3 What is a scientific approach to neuropsychology ...27Decks337Flashcards5Learners -
PSYC 1023
PSYC 1023
By: Emily Diverty
Lecture 1: Lifespan Development, Lecture 2: Infancy & Childhood, Lecture 3: Adolescence ...21Decks197Flashcards1Learner -
Gcse Pe
Gcse Pe
By: Taffy Zimba
Soc 1:Realtionship Between Health And Fitness, Soc4: Fitness Testing, Soc3: Components Of Fitness (skill) ...26Decks210Flashcards1Learner -
By: Ollie Owen
Soc 1 - Relationships Between Health And Fitness, Soc 2 - Health Related Components Of Fitness, Soc 3 - Skill Related Compoments Of Fitness ...27Decks317Flashcards1Learner -
Sociologia della comunicazione
Sociologia della comunicazione
By: Roberto Viggiani
1 - Introduzione alla sociologia della comunicazione, 2 - I concetti della sociologia. Azione, relazione, interazione sociale, 3 - I concetti della sociologia. Struttura sociale, attore individuale e attore collettivo ...74Decks757Flashcards1Learner -
GCSE Physical Education
GCSE Physical Education
By: gus reilly
SOC 1 - The Relationship Between Health And Fitness, SOC 2 - Components Of Fitness (health), Fitness Tests ...20Decks221Flashcards2Learners -
By: Raquel Santiago
Tema 1 específico, Tema 2 específico, Tema 3 Psicólogo ADMIN ...90Decks786Flashcards1Learner -
Business Studies
Business Studies
By: Azhar Imran
(1) What is business activity?, (2) Business Objectives, (3) Sole traders, partnerships, social enterprises and franchises ...19Decks145Flashcards1Learner -
Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal Relationships
By: Gabrielle Phillips
Chapter 1 - The Deep Roots of Our Need for Social Connection, Chapter 2 (Unit 3) - Research Methods, Chapter 3 (Unit 4) - Attraction ...18Decks197Flashcards1Learner -
By: Michael Flouris
Soc 1 : The Relationship Between Health And Fitness, Soc 6: Rest,recovery,overtraining,reversibility,and Thresholds Of Training, Soc 5: Principles Of Training ...26Decks186Flashcards1Learner -
A+ Technical Training
A+ Technical Training
By: Mark Straley
Chapter 1: Operational Procedures, Chapter 2: Planning and Professionalism, Chapter 3: Operating System Fundamentals ...22Decks120Flashcards3Learners -
Economics A-Level Micro
Economics A-Level Micro
By: Max Brown
1) Economics as a social science, 2) Economic Data, 3) The economic problem ...32Decks162Flashcards2Learners