Impersonal Passives Flashcards
Tibi a me parcitur
Mihi a te parcitur
Mihi a te parsum est
It is spared to you by me; you are spared by me
It is spared to me by you; i am spared by you
It was spared to me by you; I have been spared by you
When such verbs are used in the passive periphrastic construction
Ablative of agent is used rather than the dative of agent, to avoid confusion with the dative governed by the intransitive verb
We must spare you
It must be spared to you by us
Tibi a nobis parcendum est
Domi pugnatur
It is being fought at home
There is fighting at home
Fighting is going on at home
A battle is being fought at home
Acriter pugnatum est
It was fought fiercely
There was fierce fighting
The battle was fiercely fought
There is a running to the country house
Ad villam curritur
What kind of construction
No intransitive verb can logically be passive
An impersonal construction must be used
Appears in the third person singular and has no personal subject. “It” can be supplied
What verbs are they
Credo, credere, credidi, creditus -be credulous, believe; be trusting
Faveo, favere, favi, fautus -be favourable, favor
Ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus-be forgiving, forgive, pardon
Impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus - give orders, command
Noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitus - be harmful, harm
Parco, parcere, peperci, parsus - be sparing, spare
Pareo, parere, placui, placitus - be obedient, obey
Placeo, placere, parui, paritus-be pleasing, please
Persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus - be persuasive, persuade
Studeo, studere, studui – - be zealous, study