Uses Of NAGDA 13-18 Flashcards
I persuade you
I am persuasive (with reference) to you
Tibi persuadeo
(Dative with certain intransitive verbs)
Dative with certain intransitive verbs
Transitive verbs in english are intransitive in latin
Credo, credere, credidi, creditus: be credulus, believe; be trusting, trust
Faveo, favere, favi, favitus: be favourable, favor
Ignosco, ignoscere, ignovi, ignotus: be forgiving, forgive, pardon
Impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus: give orders, command
Noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitus: be harmful, harm
Parco,parcere, peperci, parsus: be sparing, spare
Pareo, parere, parui, paritus: be obedient, obey
Placeo, placere, placui, placitus: be pleasing, please
Persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus: be persuasive, persuade
Studeo, studere, studui, –: be zealous, study
What case is used in exclamations
Oh wasted land!
Unhappy boy!
Patriam perditam!
Puerum miserum!
(Accusative of exclamation)
Greek Accusative
Accusative (rather than ablative) of respect/specification
Used in poetry
The subject performs the action and experiences its effects. (Cingitur=he girds (a sword) on himself)
He girds on a sword
(He is girded with respect to a sword)
Ferrum cingitur
(Greek accusative)
What is the greek accusative often used for
Accusative of respect is often used to express the part affected. (Such as a body part)
Caput vulneratus est
Os pallore suffusa est
Wounded/suffused with respect to his head/her face
He was wounded in the head
She was suffused with pallor in her face
Adverbial accusative
When an accusative of respect functions adverbially
Maximam partem ille vir sapientissimus est
With respect to the greatest part, that man is very wise
For the most part that man is very wise
At that time a great number of legates came to the city
(With respect to that of time, a great number of legates came to the city)
Id temporis magnus numerus legatorum ad urbem venit
Multum laborat ut a civibus laudetur
He works with respect to much in order that he may be praised by the citizens
He works a lot in order that he may be prised by the citizens
Genitive of indefinite value
A few Neuter adjectives and some nouns that imply utter worthlessness are used in the Genitive case
Express the value of a person, thing, or situation
When that value is not specifically determined, or is indefinite
What kinds of verbs is the genitive of indefinite value used with
Verbs meaning “consider”, “reckon”, “value”
The neuter adjectives and nouns used in Genitive of Indefinite Value
All genitive: Flocci Assis Nihili Magni Parvi Tanti Quanti Pluris Minoris Permagni, maximi Minimi Plurimi
Ablative of price
Instrumental ablative (ablative of means) is used sith some expressions to express the price of something
Nemo est qui pace bellum mutet
There is no one who would (ex)change war by means of peace
There is no one who would exchange war for peace
(Ablative of price
He sold his country house at a great price
(He sold his house by means of a great price)
Villam suam magno (pretio) vendidit
(Ablative of price)